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LAN-LINK Version 2.00 PAGE 1
LAN-LINK Copyright (c) 1988 - 1992 by G3ZCZ
All Rights Reserved
Joe Kasser W3/G3ZCZ
POB 3419
Silver Spring
Md., 20918, U.S.A.
Voice (301) 593 6136
Data BBS (301) 593 9067
Compuserve (CIS) 70531,1405
____|__ | (tm)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
LAN-LINK is a Personal Packet Terminal Program for the TNC1,
TNC2, KPC-2 and most of all a smart multi-mode digital
communications controller for the KAM, MFJ1278 and the PK-232.
The program is distributed as a Shareware product. You may freely
copy and share the product for non commercial use, with your
friends, associates and other radio amateurs. If you decide to
use the product, you are asked to become a registered user by
completing the registration form and sending it, and $45.00 or
equivalent in foreign currency to the author. All checks should
be drawn on US banks. Canadians, please use postal money order.
Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive one free
update disk, telephone and mail (electronic and regular) support.
If you are not satisfied with the program after registering it,
your money will be refunded no questions asked, for up to 30 days
from the date your registration was acknowledged.
European Radio Amateur users may register (30.00 Pounds Sterling,
includes VAT) and obtain support from Terry Dansey at ReadyCrest
Ltd., PO Box 75, Chatham, Kent, ME5 9DL, England. ReadyCrest Ltd.
accepts credit cards (Access, Visa, MasterCard and Eurocard).
Telephones: Voice 44 (0)634-687168, FAX 44 (0)634-687178, Data
(BBS) 44 (0)634-200931.
LAN-LINK may not be sold or distributed with another product
without the express written permission of Joe Kasser, G3ZCZ.
Joe Kasser, G3ZCZ will only support unmodified copies of this
Potential Commercial Users please contact Joe Kasser directly for
modifications and/or details of Site licensing.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
LAN-LINK Version 2.00 PAGE 2
Table of Contents
1.1 Program highlights
2.0 Getting Started
2.1 Bringing LAN-LINK Up the First Time.
2.2 Using the Quick Menu
2.3 Connecting to Other Stations
2.4 Upgrading from YAPP
2.5 Using Different TNCs
2.6 Using Different HF and VHF Configuration Files
3.0 Things You Should Know
3.1 Memory Requirements
3.2 PC to TNC Communications
3.3 Open Loop
3.4 Problems
3.5 Logbooks
3.6 How To Get an Update
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands
1.0 LAN-LINK Message Handling Features
1.1 Answering Machine
1.2 Mail Beacon (Annunciator)
1.3 How to leave a message
1.4 Remote Beacon Shutdown
2.0 LAN-LINK Windows
3.0 Hot Keys
3.1 Alt-A - Alert Call (Packet) and AMTOR ARQ Call/talk
3.2 Alt-B - Send Break/AMTOR Changeover
3.3 Alt-C - Call/Connect to
3.4 Alt-D - Disconnect or Receive
3.5 Alt-E - Enter Call
3.6 Alt-F - Flush TNC Buffer
3.7 Alt-J - Jump to DOS
3.8 Alt-K - Jump to DOS, Quick Return
3.9 Alt-L - Edit Log
3.10 Alt-M - Message Scan
3.11 Alt-N - Next Stream
3.12 Alt-O - Turn Robot On
3.13 Alt-P - Turn Printer ON/OFF
3.14 Alt-Q - Call QRZ
3.15 Alt-R - Retry Call/Connect
3.16 Alt-S - Scan Log
3.17 Alt-W - :QRA:
3.18 Alt-X - Exit to DOS
3.19 Alt-Y - Zap PacketCluster/RTTY Transmit RYs.
3.20 Alt-Z - Zap BBS
3.21 Alt-= - Toggle Miscellaneous Flag
3.22 End - > +? [Over]
3.23 PgUp - Scrollback (Scrolls back incoming text)
3.24 The Home Key
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
LAN-LINK Version 2.00 PAGE 3
3.25 The Down Arrow Key
3.26 Shift/Baudrate Control Keys
3.27 Control-Z (^Z)
4.0 Function Keys
4.1 Capture to Disk Toggle (F1)
4.2 Send Brag Tape and Talk (F2).
4.3 Transmit Callsign Sequence (F3)
4.4 Send Brag Tape (F4)
4.5 Show Packet 'MH' list and Point and Shoot Connect (F5).
4.6 Auto CQ Call (F6)
4.7 Activate Type Ahead Buffer/AMTOR Relink (F7)
4.8 Disconnect, Disengage or Receive (F8)
4.9 Put TNC in CMD Mode (F9)
4.10 Put TNC in CONVERSE /Transmit Mode /AMTOR FEC (F10)
4.11 Alternate Function Keys
4.12 Shift Function Keys
4.13 Control Function Keys
5.0 Main menu
5.1 The Quick Menu
5.2 Auto CQ
5.3 Send Brag Tape
5.4 Call Someone
5.5 Log Menu
5.6 Change Communications Mode
5.7 Call CQ
5.8 Send/Talk File
5.9 QRZ
5.10 Send/Talk LAN-LINK files 001..010
6.0 The BBS Menu
6.1 Download Text Files
6.2 Download Binary File (Xmodem)
6.3 Download Binary File (Ymodem)
7.0 The Call Menu
7.1 Alert Call/ARQ Call
7.2 Connect/Call
7.3 Enter Call
7.4 ReMember Path
7.5 Zap Packet Cluster
7.6 Call CQ
7.7 Retry
7.8 Show Call Directory
7.9 Target Call
7.10 Auto CQ
7.11 Toggle DX Flag ON/OFF
7.12 Zap BBS
7.13 Zap BBS on Next Mail Beacon
8.0 Edit Menu
8.1 Edit Brag Tape
8.2 Edit Call Directory file
8.3 Edit any other file
8.4 Answer Ctdsk File (Split Screen)
8.5 Answer Incoming Messages (Split Screen)
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
LAN-LINK Version 2.00 PAGE 4
8.6 Leave Note for Someone
8.7 Edit Capture-to-Disk file
8.8 Edit Two Files (Split Screen)
8.9 Edit Configuration file
8.10 Edit LAN-LINK.001 through LAN-LINK.010 files
8.11 Pick Capture-to-disk to Edit
8.12 Pick Message file to Edit
8.13 Leave Messages on your local BBS
8.14 Incoming Message
9.0 Event/Clock Menu
9.1 Set Alarm
9.2 Connect
9.3 Display Event
9.4 Periodic Event
9.5 Turn Robot ON/OFF
9.6 Turn Contest ON/OFF
9.7 Turn Time Display ON/OFF
9.8 Cancel Event
9.9 Zap BBS
10.0 Files Menu
10.1 Send Brag Tape
10.2 File Directory
10.3 Erase File
10.4 Pick Ctdsk file to View
10.5 Rename File
10.6 Send File
10.7 Send/Talk File
10.8 Send Uppercase File
10.9 View file
10.10 View Ctdsk File
10.11 View Incoming Message File
10.12 Print File
11.0 Help with function keys
12.0 Jump to DOS Shell
13.0 LAN-LINK Menu
13.1 :QBU: Command
13.2 :QBM: ASCII File
13.3 :QSM: Message
13.4 :QSP: Message
13.5 :QDB: ASCII File
13.6 :QRU: Messages
13.7 :QRA: Who is "ON-LINE"
13.8 :QTA: Messages
13.9 :QZD: Binary Files
13.10 :QZU: Binary Files
14.0 Log Menu
14.0 Function Keys
14.0.1 Alt-A Append Entry
14.0.2 Alt-E Edit Log Entry
14.0.3 Alt-F Find an Entry
14.0.4 Alt-S Scan Log by Call
14.0.5 Alt-U Toggle Delete Mark
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
LAN-LINK Version 2.00 PAGE 5
14.0.6 Alt-Z Pack Log
14.0.7 Ins Toggle Insert Mode
14.0.8 End Show Last Page
14.0.9 Home Show First Page
14.0.10 PgUp Move Up One Page
14.0.11 PgDn Move Down One Page
14.0.12 Up Arrow Move Up One Entry
14.0.13 Down Arrow Move Down One Entry
14.1 Append an Entry
14.2 Scan Log by Band
14.3 Change Logbook File
14.4 Find Date
14.5 Edit Log Entry
14.6 Find an Entry
14.7 Import-Convert Log
14.8 Help Function Keys
14.9 Scan Log by Mode
14.10 Print Log
14.11 Scan Log by Call
14.12 Update from Old data
14.13 Exit From Log Menu
14.14 Fuzzy Scan
14.15 Pick a Log file
14.16 Create a New Log file
14.17 Purge a Call
15.0 Message Menu
15.1 BBS Command Files
15.2 Current Messages
15.3 View Message
15.4 Leave Note
15.5 Old Messages
15.6 Time Tag
16.0 TNC Menu
16.1 Set TNC Date/Time
16.2 Flush TNC Buffer
16.3 Initialize TNC
16.4 Show Calls Monitored List
16.5 Show Connect Status
16.6 Change CTEXT
16.7 Activate TNC Mailbox
16.8 Deactivate TNC Mailbox
17.1 UoSAT ASCII Beacon
17.2 Phase 3 RTTY Beacon
17.3 SARA 300 Baud ASCII
17.4 SAREX Menu
17.4.1 Attack Mode ON/OFF
17.4.2 Change SAREX Call
17.4.3 SAREX Packets Capture to Disk ON/OFF
17.4.4 Edit SAREX Capture-to-disk File
17.4.5 Zap SAREX On/Off
17.5 SAREX Orbiter Features
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18.0 Parameter Menu
18.1 Turn Beacon Mode ON/OFF
18.2 Clear Connect Count
18.3 Turn Digipeat Detect ON/OFF
18.4 Turn Beacon Control ON/OFF
18.5 Turn Command Echo ON/OFF
18.6 Change Keyboard Beep Count
18.7 Set Message Count
18.8 Turn NODE Drop Link ON/OFF
18.9 Turn Printer ON/OFF
18.10 Turn QTC Snatch ON/OFF
18.11 Turn :QSP: Relay Flag ON/OFF
18.12 Turn Sound ON/OFF
18.13 Turn Contest Mode ON/OFF
18.14 Turn DCD Flag ON/OFF
18.15 Turn BBS Snatch ON/OFF
18.16 Turn Time Id ON/OFF
18.17 Turn Automatic Capture-to-Disk Flag ON/OFF
18.18 Change BBS Parameters
18.18.1 Local BBS Callsign
18.18.2 Mail-Snatch Trigger Word
18.18.3 Read Request Command
18.18.4 Read Bulletin Request Command
18.18.5 BBS Subject String
18.18.6 BBS Message String
18.19 Change Callsigns
18.19.1 Callsign
18.19.2 The SELCAL
18.19.3 The PacketCluster Call
18.20 Change Directories
18.20.1 Capture-to-disk files Directory
18.20.2 QBM Download Directory
18.21 Enter Common Calls
18.22 Change File Names
18.22.1 VHF Logbook File (VHF.DBF)
18.22.2 HF Logbook File (HF.DBF)
18.22.3 Path Directory File (LAN-LINK.DIR)
18.22.4 Brag Tape (LAN-LINK.TXT)
18.22.5 QBU Upload File Name (QBU-TX.BAT)
18.22.6 QBU Download File Name (QBU-RX.BAT)
18.23 Change LAN-LINK Parameters
18.23.1 Change CQ Text
18.23.2 Set CQ delay time Seconds
18.23.3 Set CQ delay time Minutes
18.23.4 Set Connect time timeout (Minutes)
18.23.5 Set Number of lines in a Non Contest CQ Call
18.23.6 Keyboard Beep Character Count
18.23.7 Word Wrap Mode Off AutoCR Word Line
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18.23.9 Set Default Users
18.23.10 Set UTC Offset
18.23.11 VHF Packet Length
18.23.12 HF Packet Length
18.23.13 Beacon time
18.23.14 Custom Prompt before 'Over'
18.24 Change PC Communications Parameters
18.24.1 The Communications Port
18.24.2 The Terminal Baud Rate
18.24.3 TNC Data Bits
18.24.4 TNC Parity
18.24.5 Number of TNC Stop Bits
18.25 Change Colors
18.26 Change SAREX Parameters
18.26.1 SAREX CallSign
18.26.2 Change SAREX Capture to Disk File
18.27 Update Configuration File
18.28 Verify Changes
18.29 Change Scan Words
18.30 Turn Misc. Flag ON/OFF
18.30.1 All Modes:- Debug or state-sequence numbers
18.30.2 BAUDOT Mode:- Navy MARS Protocol Verify
18.31 Change Band/Mode
18.32 Zap BBS on Next Mail Beacon
18.33 BBS Zap, Don't Disconnect After Sequence
19.0 Q Codes [NC/L]
20.0 Communications Modes
20.5 MORSE (CW)
20.7 AMTOR (ALIST [chirpcopy])
21.0 Terminal Mode Menu
21.1 Packet Terminal Menu
21.1.1 Change Packet Baud Rate
21.1.2 CQ/Beacons
21.1.3 Everything
21.1.4 Read the Mail
21.1.5 Just My Station (Solo)
21.1.6 All Traffic
21.1.7 Information Packets
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21.1.8 Single User Connects
21.1.9 Multiple User Connects
21.1.10 Conference
21.1.10 Conference Bridge On/Off
21.1.11 Turn Metabeacon On/Off
21.2 AMTOR Terminal Menu
21.2.1 Force Break [ACHG]
21.2.2 Start Mode B [FEC]
21.2.3 Force LETTERS case
21.2.4 Read the Mail [ALISTEN/LAMTOR]
21.2.5 Override ROBOT/Mailbox
21.2.6 Standby Receive [ARQ]
21.2.7 Set ROBOT/Mailbox
21.2.8 CW Identification
21.2.9 Set ROBOT Infinite Delay
21.3 Baudot Terminal Menu
21.3.1 Set Baud Rate
21.3.2 Select Shift
21.3.3 NAVY MARS Message Protocol
21.3.4 USOS On/Off
21.3.5 SELCAL On/Off
21.3.6 CW Identification
21.4 ASCII Terminal Menu
21.4.1 Set Baud Rate
21.4.2 Select Shift
21.4.3 SELCAL On/Off
21.4.4 CW Identification
21.5 CW Menu
21.5.1 Lock to Receive Signal
21.5.2 Set Morse Speed
21.5.3 Unlock Morse Speed
22.0 eXit to DOS
23.0 The ELMER Menu
23.1 Change ELMER File
23.2 Turn ELMER Flag ON/OFF
23.3 Load State Table (ELMER.QSO)
23.4 Pick File to edit
23.5 Edit State Table (ELMER.QSO)
23.6 Show State Table
3.0 *.RUN
4.0 *.DBF (HF.DBF and VHF.DBF)
7.0 *.MBX
8.0 *.BBS
9.0 LAN-LINK.001 - LAN-LINK.010
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LAN-LINK Version 2.00 PAGE 9
13.0 QZ*.BAT
APPENDIX 3. Local Area Network Capability
1.0 LAN Protocol (G3ZCZ Version)
2.0 Message Format
3.0 ASCII File Uploading/Downloading
4.0 Path Determination to a Dx station
5.0 Binary File Transfers
6.0 Requirements for Transfer Protocols
7.0 The Zmodem Protocol
8.0 The PCZ Package
9.1 :QBM:
9.2 :QDB:
9.3 :QMH:
9.4 :QSM:
9.5 :QSP:
9.6 :QRA:
9.7 :QRT:
9.8 :QRU:
9.9 :QNO:
9.10 :QJG:
9.11 :QRV:
9.12 :QSL:
9.14 :QTA:
9.14 :QTC:
9.15 :QBU:
9.16 :QZU:
9.17 :QZD:
9.18 :QYU:
9.19 :QYD:
1.0 TNC2 (MFJ 1270)
2.0 TNC1 (HD-4040)
3.0 Kaypro KPC-2
4.0 KAM
5.0 PK-232
6.0 MFJ 1278
7.0 Heath HK-21
1.0 Command/Converse Mode anomalies
2.0 Buffer messages in AMTOR Beacon CQ Mode
3.0 FEC +? responses in AMTOR Beacon CQ Mode
4.0 Using a monochrome monitor
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LAN-LINK Version 2.00 PAGE 10
5.0 The Packet Conference Mode
6.0 Packet Conference Mode disconnects
7.0 Strange Events
10.0 Greek Characters and other garbage in the Incoming Screen.
11.0 Dumb TNC
12.0 Intermittent Lockup
13.0 Automatic Functions Don't Work
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Expert Systems
1.2 The User Interface
1.3 The Knowledge Base
1.4 The Inference Engine
1.5 Features of an expert system
1.6 Using an Expert System
1.7 The Semantic Network
1.8 A State Machine
1.9 The User Perception
1.10 ELMER
1.11 Responses to an Input
1.12 Syntactic Analysis
1.13 Programming ELMER
2.0 The State Table (ELMER.QSO) File
3.0 The Stand Alone Version Status Window
4.0 The Stand Alone Menu
4.1 Edit Any File
4.2 Load State Table (ELMER.QSO)
4.3 Pick File to edit
4.4 Edit State Table (ELMER.QSO)
4.5 eXit to DOS
4.6 Show State Table
APPENDIX 8 PCZ Binary file Transfers
APPENDIX 9 Other PC Software by Joe Kasser G3ZCZ
9.1 PC-HAM 3.52 BY G3ZCZ
9.2 STARTREK The Computer Program
9.3 WHATS-UP 1.20
9.4 ELMER 1.00
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands, Page 11
LAN-LINK is a Personal Digital Communications Terminal Program
for a Packet Radio TNC. The program is designed to optimize the
configuration of the TNC in each communications mode and to
provide some smart terminal features. It takes advantage of the
extra features of the PK-232 which is made by Advanced
Electronics Applications Inc. It is designed to allow anyone to
use and get the most out of their packet TNC as well as from the
PK-232, the MFJ1278 and the KAM for Morse, ASCII, BAUDOT, AMTOR
as well as Packet Radio communications without having to keep the
manual handy.
LAN-LINK is a sophisticated program. In its basic state it allows
you to use the TNC in an optimal manner. It configures the TNC
(it types the commands) for you to maximize the communications
efficiency in the communications mode of your choice. That means,
for example, when working Packet on HF you need to program the
TNC parameters to different values than you would use on VHF to
make maximum use of the mode. One significant difference is the
length of the packet itself, for the longer it is, the greater
the probability of QRM destroying it. This program will adjust
the packet parameters for you.
Since the computer is now involved, other features have been
added to simplify operation, and several features have been
automated. All these operations are performed using menus and
function keys as documented below. It will take a while to learn
how to use this program in a manner which suits you, read this
document and have fun, after all, isn't that one of the purposes
of Amateur Radio.
This manual is organized by menu. It describes the operation of
each menu option and function key in each Communications Mode.
Any Terminal Node Controller (TNC) is a complex piece of
equipment. It can operate in a Command Mode, in which you tell it
to do something, or in a Converse Mode in which you are using it
to talk to other stations. Many people confuse the two when first
getting on Packet. If you monitor the channels you will recognize
Command Mode TNC instructions on the air, and when you use the
TNC you will receive the "error" reply when you type something
thinking you are in the Converse Mode but are really in the
Command Mode. LAN-LINK is designed to make Packet operation
simple using Menus and high level (Function and Hot key
combinations) commands.
Morse, ASCII, BAUDOT communications modes are HALF DUPLEX. One
station is transmitting at any time. You thus have to use the
Transmit/Converse and Receive/Disconnect function keys to turn
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands, Page 12
the transmitter on and off respectively.
AMTOR is also HALF DUPLEX but has some of the attributes of full
duplex. In this Mode you control who is talking through software,
only one station can send data at a time, but you can type
characters in to the buffer and they will be transmitted
automatically when the other station turns the QSO over to you.
Once you have linked with someone, you do not use the
Receive/Disconnect function UNTIL THE QSO IS OVER. Both stations
are communicating automatically thanks to the TNC. If you want
the other operator to respond type the +? key sequence (or use
the 'End' Key).
Packet Radio communications on the other hand is a full duplex
mode of communications. Once you have connected with someone, you
do not use the Receive/Disconnect function UNTIL THE QSO IS OVER.
Both stations are communicating automatically thanks to the TNC.
If you want the other operator to respond type the > key followed
by the 'Enter' Key, better yet, use the 'End' Key.
Note Morse, AMTOR, ASCII and BAUDOT are character mode
communications in that each character you type is sent as you
type them. In Packet Communications, the TNC stores them up and
sends out a burst or packet when you type the 'Enter' Key or you
type enough characters to fill up a packet. Studies have shown
that the human attention span when sitting at the keyboard is of
the order of 2 seconds. If you are in a keyboard to keyboard
packet radio connect, remember this and don't forget to use the
'Enter' Key frequently, especially before you stop to think about
what to send next.
Note AMTOR and PACKET are full duplex modes of communications.
When you connect with someone, there is no need to use the
transmit and receive function keys. In fact you will have
problems if you do. Do not disconnect or break the link until the
QSO is over.
First packet radio software to be flown in Space.
Function key and Menu driven.
Automatic logbook entries for Packet and Mailbox/Beacon Mode
AMTOR Connects, semiautomatic logbook entries for other
Provides artificial intelligence in the shape of a second
operator (ELMER).
Logbook file is dBASE compatible and can be processed by the
LOGBOOK Package of PC-HAM by G3ZCZ for indexed listings,
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands, Page 13
tracking of DXCC and other AWARDS, etc.
Contest operation, sends standard message and automatically
increments QSO count.
Automatic optimized configuration of the TNC for each
communications mode.
All mode Function key 'OVER' feature (End).
There are 10 files with fixed names (LAN-LINK.001 through
LAN-LINK.010) which may be viewed and transmitted by means of
function keys. They may also be edited from the Edit Menu.
Set up of TNC for AMSAT-OSCAR Telemetry reception.
Time display and event scheduler.
ASCII Text Editor.
Customizable Colors.
Access to the TNC Command Mode is provided in case the user
wishes to override any defaults.
Automatic capture to disk of all packet radio connects.
Automatic indication of the number of Packet connects.
Local Area Network (LAN) message store and forward
Capable of automatic connect attempts to download a QTC from
another station in the LAN.
Capable of automatic connect attempts to a packet BBS to
download your incoming messages, when your callsign appears
on the BBS mail beacon annunciator.
Capable of automatically requesting Bulletins on subjects
that interest you from your local packet BBS.
Digipeat monitoring and capture.
Alert signal to let you know when a predetermined call shows
up in a packet header on frequency.
Conference and Bridge modes in multiconnect situations.
Path determination to DX station via :QMH:.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands, Page 14
Indicator that a specific station designated as the 'target'
call connected in Packet Mode, or linked to AMTOR
Beacon/Mailbox while you were away.
Automatic NET/ROM and KA Node path set up from LAN-LINK.DIR
call/path directory file.
Selective answering machine and MAILBOX using NC/L command
Screen indication of connect by desired station (target
Automatic Beacon Mode CQ caller
Automatic contest (DX-pedition) mode
Will call CQ repetitively and either work the connect and
keep going after disconnect or signal you when a reply is
Zmodem binary file transfer capability
SAREX special features
:QRA: trigger to determine who else is on channel
Single keystroke Packet Cluster connect
Automatic SELCAL determination.
Automatic CQ caller. Will call CQ repetitively and signal you
when a reply is received.
Local Area Network (LAN) message store and forward
Selective answering machine and MAILBOX using NC/L command
Function key change from monitoring FEC CQ's to QSO's in
progress (chirpcopy).
Automatic Beacon Mode CQ caller
Automatic contest (DX-pedition) mode
Color changes between incoming and outgoing (echoed as sent)
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands, Page 15
Automatic CQ caller. Will call CQ repetitively and signal you
when a reply is received.
NAVY MARS RTTY file transmitting protocols for the PK-232.
2.0 Getting Started
If you are upgrading from a previous version of LAN-LINK, the
2.00 SYS files are NOT compatible with earlier ones. Copy all
your current LAN-LINK files to a floppy disk and run the
SETUPLL.BAT file on this disk as instructed below. At least save
the log files (HF.DBF and VHF.DBF).
Place the floppy disk in Drive A: Type 'A:' (without the '')
followed by the 'Enter' key so that you see the A:> prompt. The
floppy disk contains a batch file which will set up the correct
subdirectories on your hard disk. Type 'SETUPLL', touch the
'Enter' key, and the batch file will go to work. The batch file
contains the following commands.
md lan-link
cd lan-link
md elmer
md files
md run
The Install program customizes the most often used parameters for
you. Section 18 of Appendix 1 describes each of the parameters.
Read it as you install LAN-LINK.
Install first asks you for the TNC you are using, reply with the
number associated with your TNC. If you don't find your TNC
listed, try the TNC 2 option.
The main things you need to change are: -
Your callsign:
Your SELCAL: (if you are using a Multi-mode TNC)
The callsign of your local PacketCluster
The callsign of your local BBS
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands, Page 16
Callsign of your local BBS
If you have not already connected to your local BBS, skip the
next few parameters, and re-run install at some later time when
you know which answers to reply with.
BBS Mail Trigger: Text in the mail beacon from your local
Read Request: Command you send to the BBS to read a message.
Bulletin Read Request: Command you send to the BBS to read a
BBS Subject String: BBS prompt for the subject of a message
you are sending.
BBS Message String: BBS prompt for the text of a message you
are sending.
The next few parameters set up the serial port between the PC and
the TNC. Read the TNC Manual to see what the manufacturer's
defaults are.
PC Com Port: A 0 disables serial I/O. Set to the Port
number you wish to use.
PC Baud Rate: Enter the value you want to use.
Data Bits: Note: 7 will inhibit binary transfers.
Parity Bit: Enter the correct letter.
Stop bits: Use 1 unless the baud rate is 300 or less.
Read Section 18 of Appendix 1 to learn what the remaining
parameters mean. You can change most of them once you have loaded
LAN-LINK, by bringing up the parameters menu, and following the
If you are updating from an earlier version, once LAN-LINK is
installed, replace the blank log files with your old ones (HF.DBF
and VHF.DBF).
2.1 Bringing LAN-LINK Up the First Time.
2.1.1 Turn on the TNC.
2.1.2 If the date and time in the PC are not set to UTC
(GMT), set them using the DOS date and time commands.
2.1.3 Load the program by typing LAN-LINK in the way you
normally load a program.
2.1.4 WAIT until the program says it has initialized the TNC
and shows the band and power in the status window at
the top of the screen.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands, Page 17
2.1.5 If there is no battery in your TNC do what the TNC
manual tells you to do to synchronize the TERMINAL
baud rate to 1200 baud. In the case of the PK-232,
LAN-LINK will send the PK-232 three * characters to
set the PK-232 to 1200 baud.
2.1.6 After LAN-LINK has loaded, use the Parameters Menu to
change anything you still need to customize. Use the
"U" option to save the updated file. After reading the
rest of this manual, you may want to change other
defaults to set up LAN-LINK the way you like it.
2.1.8 Use the "N" and "I" options in the TNC Menu to
configure the TNC. Then select the desired mode of
operation from the displayed menu by pressing the
appropriate key.
2.1.9 Exit from LAN-LINK by using the Alt-X Key or the Esc
Key followed by the X Key.
2.1.10 Reload LAN-LINK the same way you did before. This
will load the edited LAN-LINK.SYS file with the new
settings. You are now ready to use LAN-LINK. If this
is your first time, try the Quick Menu (See Sections
2.2 and 5.1).
2.1.11 If you are updating from previous versions, the LAN-
LINK.SYS configuration files are incompatible with any
earlier version.
If you have batteries in the TNC, make sure the TNC is set
for a terminal baud rate of 1200, and try to run the
program. If you see Greek characters or it doesn't work,
remove the batteries and try again (Refer to Appendix 1.10).
You can then replace the batteries and from then on the
program will be correct. Make sure you leave the TNC on when
you replace the batteries or your initialization will revert
to the TNC default settings - the batteries are there to
power the TNC RAM while your primary power is off.
If you have trouble with a PK232MBX, then, with LAN-LINK
running, turn the PK232MBX off, count to ten and turn it on
again. Type one * character. If that fails, repeat this a
few times. If it still fails, open the PK232 and remove the
battery jumper. count to 10 slowly before replacing it and
try again.
2.2 Using the Quick Menu
The Quick Menu is designed for new users and provides the
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands, Page 18
most commonly used functions in a single Menu. You bring up
the Quick Menu be touching the Escape key to access the Main
Menu and then selecting the 'A' option.
The Quick Menu is described in Section 5.1 of Appendix 1.
2.3 Connecting to Other Stations
LAN-LINK treats incoming connects and outgoing connects
differently. To connect to another station, Use the Alt-C
hot key, Function key 5, or bring up the Quick Menu using
the 'Esc A' character sequence as described in Section 5.1,
or by bringing up the Call Menu via the 'Esc C' character
sequence as described in Section 7. DO NOT TYPE 'C Call
sign' in the command mode. If you do, the connect will still
take place (the TNC won't know if you or LAN-LINK issued the
command) but LAN-LINK will treat it as an incoming connect
and issue the "[ZCZ] LAN-LINK 2.00>" handshaking signal (if
the LAN-LINK flag is in its default, or enabled state) as
described in Section 18. If you connect to a BBS or a Node
this way, you will get an error message back from the BBS or
node, since it does not recognize LAN-LINK's handshake.
When you use the menu, Alt-C or F5 approach you can also
make use of the 'path memory' feature in the LAN-LINK.DIR
2.4 Upgrading from YAPP
A YAPP.CNF file is provided to facilitate conversion from
YAPP to LAN-LINK. YAPP.CNF is a configuration file for YAPP
Version 2 that will configure the PK-232 for YAPP and then
back to LAN-LINK.
If you are currently using YAPP, replace your YAPP.CNF file
with this one and load YAPP. Then terminate the program in
the normal manner by using the Alt-X Key. You should then be
able to load and run LAN-LINK without any problems. Each
time you subsequently want to run YAPP, YAPP will set up the
PK-232, execute and then reconfigure the PK-232 back for
If you are using a YAPP.DIR file, rename it to LAN-LINK.DIR.
2.5 Using Different TNCs
There are differences between the command dialogue and the
features offered by the PK-232, KAM and MFJ1278. LAN-LINK
makes use of many of them. For example, as the KAM shows the
HF and VHF packets as if they ware separate streams, LAN-
LINK detects them and displays the different headers in
different colors. As this feature is not present in the PK-
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands, Page 19
232, LAN-LINK does not offer it. From time to time, as each
manufacturer updates the firmware (EPROM) in the TNC, LAN-
LINK may be updated and incorporate them.
LAN-LINK is normally loaded by typing LAN-LINK followed by
the 'Enter' key. In this instant, LAN-LINK gets its
configuration information from the LAN-LINK.SYS file. LAN-
LINK.SYS is the default SYSTEM or configuration file. If you
have more than one TNC you may want to set up different
configuration files for each TNC.
To load LAN-LINK with the optional configuration file, type
'LAN-LINK' followed by the name of the file (without the
filetype) on the command line then press the 'Enter' Key.
For example, if you have a PK-232 and a TNC2 and
occasionally use the TNC2, set up the LAN-LINK.SYS file for
the PK-232. Then type 'LAN-LINK' to run the program
normally. On the rare occasions when you want to use the
TNC2, you may type 'LAN-LINK TNC2' to run LAN-LINK with the
TNC2.SYS configuration file.
2.6 Using Different HF and VHF Configuration Files
You can also use two SYS files, one for HF and one for
VHF/UHF. If you name them HF.SYS and VHF.SYS you can bring
the relevant one up by typing
as desired. You can also use a different one for a contest,
or for any reason you wish.
3.0 Things You Should Know
3.1 Memory Requirements
LAN-LINK 2.00 requires a minimum of 450k of RAM. You will
need more RAM if you wish to use the Editor. The Editor
files will each take a maximum of 64K additional RAM. If
your memory is marginal, you may get an error when you try
to log a station or edit a file/message.
3.2 PC to TNC Communications
All communications between the computer and the TNC normally
use the 8 BIT NO PARITY and 1 stop bit RS-232 Serial Port
FROM THE KEYBOARD OR FILES. If you want to limit the
character set to the 7 bit ASCII set, set the TNC parameters
accordingly. The baud rate defaults to 1200, but you may set
it to 2400, 4800 9600 or even 19200 if your CPU clock is
fast enough and the TNC will respond correctly.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands, Page 20
3.3 Open Loop
3.4 Problems
In case you have problems, always check the default settings
using the 'Verify Changes' option of the Parameters Menu.
Further information is contained in Appendix 1. If you work
CW, read about the XMITOK flag, and set it for the way you
have wired your TNC to the radio. Problems can be caused by
incorrect settings of the TNC parameters. If all else fails,
(hard) reset the TNC. Make sure XFLOW and FLOW are OFF.
3.5 Logbooks
LAN-LINK uses two dBASE 3 compatible logbook files. One is
used for VHF packet logging (VHF.DBF), the other for all HF
modes (HF.DBF). See Appendix 1 for more information.
3.6 How To Get an Update
There are two ways to get an updated version, as follows.
When you register your copy of LAN-LINK, if this version is
still current, your registration will be acknowledged, and
the following upgrade will be sent to you automatically at
the time it is released. If a later version exists at the
time that you register, it will be sent to you when your
registration is acknowledged.
If you are not on the list for an automatic upgrade (i.e.,
you received a disk in the mail as a result of your
registration), then when you hear that a new release is out,
collect together at least 300 kBytes of traffic on your
local vhf/uhf LAN by running LAN-LINK with the capture-to-
disk activated when you are not connected. If you can add to
that, connect to your local BBS and dump all current
bulletins with full headers showing date/time into your
capture-to-disk file. If necessary compress the file (ZIP
preferred), and send in the disk in a mailer together with a
label addressed to you, and sufficient return postage, and
the upgrade will be yours. Alternatively, you may perform
the data transfers electronically to the BBS.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 21
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK Features, Menus and Commands
LAN-LINK provides an interface between you and the TNC. It works
in a client-server mode. It provides you with menus and then
sends the TNC the commands that you would have typed to exercise
the particular option. LAN-LINK also provides smart features to
smarten up your packet radio operations.
This appendix contains a summary of the commands and menus
available to you in LAN-LINK. The commands are organized by Menu.
Some function keys provide you with short cuts so you don't have
to go through the entire menus. These function keys are described
1.0 LAN-LINK Message Handling Features
This section describes the mail box and message handling features
built into LAN-LINK.
1.1 Answering Machine
LAN-LINK contains an AMTOR (Robot beacon CQ mode only) and
PACKET Mode SMART "answering machine" facility. You can
leave messages on your disk (in the same directory as the
LAN-LINK.* files, if you are using a hard disk), for
different stations. When someone connects to you, if you
left a message for him, he (or she or even it as the case
may be) and only that station will receive it automatically.
No one else will normally be able to download that message.
1.2 Mail Beacon (Annunciator)
To ensure that people know that you have left a message for
them a 'MAIL for' list is loaded into your Packet Beacon and
transmitted every 30 minutes (Refer to the BTEXT command in
the TNC manual) as ':QTC:' followed by a list of calls. If
no mail is pending, or the only message in your system is
one addressed to you, the beacon transmissions are
inhibited. This conforms to good operating practice on
crowded channels (at least inhibiting the beacon does).
The mail beacon in the AMTOR Mode is transmitted as part of
the beacon AUTOCQ message. It is automatically updated when
a message is transmitted. If you don't set the beacon (see
below) you will not transmit a mail beacon text in your
AMTOR CQ message.
The Mail beacon text is set up either when you tell the
computer to set it up or when you disconnect a packet QSO
from another station.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 22
In this manner you may update the list while the program is
running, for example by using Sidekick or the included
Editor, to write a message, or preferably the NOTE feature.
Any station using LAN-LINK can be configured to
automatically attempt a connect (QTC-Snatch) when seeing
their callsign in someone else's LAN-LINK :QTC: beacon mail
message list.
If for some reason the message got lost (e.g. because the
link was marginal), :QSM: will get you a repeat of that
1.3 How to leave a message
You can use the note feature or type the message as a non-
document file on Wordstar, the included Editor, or if you
use another word processor, you must leave the message as an
ASCII text file.
If you use the Note feature, the message will be given a
header as if it came in from someone else. if you use a word
processor or the included Editor to write the message, you
will have to write in a header or show somehow that the
message is not 'live'. You may then later time tag a message
header on message files created by the word processor. In
this way people will realize that it is an automatic message
by seeing the header. On the other hand, you may wish to
fool people into thinking that you are home.
You just name the message file as the callsign of the
station to whom you wish the message to be sent at connect
time. You must also give it the filetype of 'OUT'.
For example a message for G3ZCZ would be stored on the disk
as a file named 'G3ZCZ.OUT', and similarly a message to
4X6AA would be stored on disk as '4X6AA.OUT'.
Once the message has been sent, an entry to that effect will
be made in the LAN-LINK.RUN data capture file. The message
file will then be renamed and given the file extension
'.OLD'. At that time any previously existing mail file with
the file extension '.OLD' will be deleted. This stops the
addressee receiving the message on successive connects if
you can't delete it for some reason (you forget) while at
the same time, the message is still available to you in case
you need it.
You should use a separate utility program if you want the
calls in the mail beacon sorted. You may for example wish to
sort them alphanumerically or in the order of the date that
they were left in your answering machine.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 23
Incoming messages triggered by the QTC-Snatch will be left
in a message file '<yourcall>.OUT', which can be scanned by
using the Alt-M Key combination. If you have non LAN-LINK
friends, train them to trigger the QTC-Snatch by simulating
a beacon, and prefixing and ending their text with lines
containing the '>' as the only character. Better yet, give
them a copy of LAN-LINK and tell them to register it.
1.4 Remote Beacon Shutdown
I recognize that some stations may abuse the beacon facility
of this program. I have thus built into the program a
'remote shutdown' capability. If someone running LAN-LINK
has their beacon timer set too often, connect to them in the
AMTOR or Packet Communications modes, and tell them to :QRT:
which will clear their beacon mode and take them off the air
for a while at least.
In the Packet Communication Mode, the CQ beacon is shut down
but the 30 minute mail beacon is not touched. In the AMTOR
Communication Mode, the CQ delay time is set to infinity.
The LAN-LINK Mailbox will thus still be active in both
modes, but will not call CQ on the air.
2.0 LAN-LINK Windows
LAN-LINK displays information in different windows. The window at
the top of the screen is the status window. The big blank window
in the center is the incoming text window. The lower third of the
screen is the outgoing text window. All outgoing text are echoed
in this window. The bottom line is a prompt window.
The indicators in the status line depend on the state of the LAN
Link and are described in the sections that deal with the
functions they area associated with. Some typical status window
displays are shown below.
2 Meters 2 Watts PACKET 1200 W [R] TRFC ->N4QQ
20 Meters 100 Watts MORSE TEST[4]
20 Meters 100 Watts PACKET 300 N TRFC
If the automatic Capture-to-disk is turned off, a yellow bug will
be flashing on the left side of the line.
If the Printer Flag is set, a yellow [P] will be flashing on the
left side of the line.
If the miscellaneous flag is set, an asterisk '*' followed by two
numbers and a ']' will be displayed. The first number is the BBS
Sequence State, the second is the Connect Sequence State. These
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 24
numbers reflect the internal state of LAN-LINK and should be
quoted when describing problems.
If a message transfer is taking place, the callsign of the
station involved will be displayed.
When the Capture-to-Disk is turned on, a 'CAPTURE TO DISK' will
be shown, if it is turned off, the operating band (Meters) and
power (Watts) will be shown. If a ZapBBS is in operation, the
Bulletin Request Count will then be shown in square brackets
The communications mode will be shown next, it may be one of the
SIGNAL ???? DEFAULT {boot up}
A flashing yellow musical note following the Communications Mode
indicates that the sound has been inhibited.
The next number to be displayed is the RF communications
baudrate. The letter 'W' or 'N' indicates that the Wide shift or
the Narrow shift has been selected. A 'down arrow' will be shown
if the shift is normal. If the shift is reversed a flashing
yellow 'up arrow' will be displayed.
In the BAUDOT mode, 'USOS' will be displayed if 'Unshift-on-
space' is selected.
If the Contest Mode is selected, the word 'TEST' will then be
displayed followed by the Contest QSO number in '[]'.
In certain Robot and AutoCQ states, namely while the computer is
waiting for a reply, a flashing cumulative CQ count will be
displayed next.
If the RTTY SELCAL is active the word 'SELCAL' will be displayed
If the Navy MARS BAUDOT RTTY protocol is enabled, a '[n]' will be
In the packet and AMTOR Robot modes, if at least one station has
connected or linked, a flashing yellow '[C]' will be displayed
next. The number in the square brackets with the 'C' is the
number of stations that have connected/linked. If the target call
station was one of those station, a happy face will also be
displayed in the square brackets.
If at least one QTC snatch has taken place a flashing yellow
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 25
'[Q]' will be displayed next. The number in the square brackets
is the number of QTC Snatches that have taken place.
In the packet communications mode, if a ZapBBS, a QTC Snatch or a
PacketClusterZap is in progress a flashing yellow '[Z]' will be
displayed next. However, if LAN-LINK is set to stay connected
when the sequence ends, the flashing indicator will be a {Z}
instead of a [Z].
In the packet or AMTOR communications mode, a '[R]' will be
displayed next if LAN-LINK is configured for 'store and forward'
In the packet and AMTOR communications modes, if the beacon mode
is enabled a '[B]' will be displayed next. if someone has
connected and sent a :QRT: sequence, the '[B]' will be flashing.
The '[B]' will be followed by a '[M]' if there are messages
pending. The number in the square brackets with the '[M]' is the
number of messages (*.OUT files) pending.
In the packet communications mode, if the SAREX mode is enabled,
a '[S]' will be shown next. The '[S]' will be flashing while
capture to disk is in progress. If SAREX packets have been copied
a happy face will be displayed in the square brackets together
with the 'S'. If the SAREX Orbiter robot is active a flashing
'>>' will be displayed.
In the packet communications mode, if the digipeat Detect mode is
enabled a '[D]' will be displayed next.
In the packet communications mode, if connected and ELMER is
active, an '[E]' will be displayed. The number with the 'E' shows
ELMER's state.
In the packet communications mode, the terminal sub-modes (see
Section 21) are then displayed as follows;
SOLO This lets you only see messages addressed to you.
CQ/B This lets you see beacons and CQ calls as well.
INFO This lets you see packets containing information.
TRFC This lets you see packets containing messages as
EVRY This lets you see everything on channel, including
the link control packets.
MAIL This lets you monitor packets from a specific
station. In the PK-232, you can do it without
displaying the headers.
The next item to be displayed is a callsign, under the following
conditions; the call of the station connected with, will be
prefixed by a '*>' when connected, and by a '->' when a connect
request is in progress. if a disconnect is in progress, the
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 26
callsign will be replaced by a '$$$$'. The callsign will be seen
as flashing when a connect is in progress.
In the MAIL mode, the callsign of the station that you are
"reading the mail" on will be displayed, otherwise the call sign
displayed will be that of the one you are connected to.
If an Alert Call has been entered, it will be displayed next,
similarly for a target call. The display will be slightly
different of the calls have been heard/worked. A !!> before the
flashing call indicates that the Alert function is active. A '<-
>' before the Alert Call signifies that packets to or from that
call have been heard on frequency. A smiling face in front of the
call, signifies that it has been worked. An '->' is displayed
before the Target Call.
The next items to be displayed are the packet multi user mode
displays. If the conference bridge is up, a flashing yellow
bridge will be shown. If only the conference mode is set, the
word 'C will be flashing, if the basic multi user mode is set,
the word 'M will be seen. The callsign will be prefixed by the
I/O channel number/letter, and will be in the color allocated to
the traffic on that channel. The number shown after the flashing
letter is the number of streams that LAN-LINK thinks that you are
connected on.
In the non packet modes, the callsign displayed will be that of
the station being worked (entered by the AMTOR robot, the
automatic CQ call recognition, or by the operator using the Alt-C
or Alt-E keys). In AMTOR, the SELCAL of the other station will
also be displayed sometimes, usually if you entered the call.
An '[L]' will be displayed in the non packet modes when a
callsign is entered. The '[L]' will flash to remind you (to log
it) until the QSO is logged.
3.0 Hot Keys
LAN-LINK contains a number of "Hot" keys to allow you to perform
common operations with a minimum of key strokes. The keys perform
related but slightly different tasks in each communications mode.
A list of those available is shown below. Should you require any
more hot keys, I suggest you use an external program with a
Keyboard Macro capability such as Borland's Superkey.
Consider the action of each key in detail.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 27
Hot Key Communications Mode
A Set ALERT Call ARQ Call/Talk ------ ------
B Send 'Break' Force Changeover ------ ------
to TNC
C Connect ARQ Call Call Call
D Disconnect Toggle Receive Receive Disengage
Modes Mode Speed Lock
E Enter Call Enter Call and Enter Call Enter Call
F Flush TNC Buffer (all communications modes)
H Display function key Information Screen
J Jump to DOS (all communications modes)
K Jump to DOS quick return (all communications modes)
L Edit Log Entry (all communications modes)
M Scan Message (all communications modes)
N Next I/O Stream
O Turn Robot ON Turn Robot ON ------ ------
P Turn Printer ON/OFF (all communications modes)
Q call QRZ call QRZ in FEC call QRZ call QRZ
R Retry Connect Retry last Call (entered).
(not ZAP)
S Scan Logbook (all communications modes)
W :QRA: ---------- ------- ------
X Exit to DOS (all communications modes)
Y Zap PacketCluster ---------------- Transmit RY's -----
Z Zap BBS Drop Link after Receive mode after
sending contents sending contents
of buffer of buffer
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 28
3.1 Alt-A - Alert Call (Packet) and AMTOR ARQ Call/talk
In the Packet Communications Mode, this key combination
performs the same task as the Alert Call option in the Call
In the AMTOR Communications Mode, this key combination
performs the same task as the AMTOR ARQ call/talk option in
the Call menu.
3.2 Alt-B - Send Break/AMTOR Changeover
In the Packet Communications Mode, activating this key
combination sends a 'BREAK' signal to the TNC. Use this key
combination to get out of the TNC's transparent mode.
In the AMTOR Communications Mode, use this key combination
to force a changeover. You can type text into the outgoing
buffer and then force a changeover without losing that text.
3.3 Alt-C - Call/Connect to
This key combination performs the same task as the Call
option in the Call Menu.
3.4 Alt-D - Disconnect or Receive
This key combination performs the same task as Function Key
In Morse this key disengages the receive speed lock in the
PK-232 to unlock the PK-232 from the last signal copied. It
lets you lock onto another signal faster.
In AMTOR this key toggles the receive mode between ARQ and
FEC signals (QSO's in progress and CQ calls).
3.5 Alt-E - Enter Call
This key combination performs the same task as the Enter
Call option in the Call Menu.
3.6 Alt-F - Flush TNC Buffer
This key combination performs the same task as the Flush TNC
Outgoing buffer option in the TNC Menu.
3.7 Alt-J - Jump to DOS
This key combination lets you "Jump to a DOS Shell". It
performs the same function as the 'J' option in the Main
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 29
3.8 Alt-K - Jump to DOS, Quick Return
This key combination lets you "Jump to a DOS Shell". it
performs the same function as the 'J' option in the Main
Menu. When the command is executed, control is returned to
LAN-LINK without the 'type exit to quit the shell sequence'.
3.9 Alt-L - Edit Log
This key combination performs the same task as the Edit
option in the Log Menu.
3.10 Alt-M - Message Scan
This key combination performs the same task as the Message
Scan choice in the Message Menu.
3.11 Alt-N - Next Stream
In the Packet Communications Mode, if you are using the
multiple connect capability of LAN-LINK, this key
combination prompts you to change I/O streams, and display
the state of the I/O streams showing which ones were last
used to send or receive something. To change I/O streams,
move the cursor to the desired stream then push the 'Enter'
Key. The calls in the Next Stream window update when
stations connect and disconnect. In the event of the window
not being correct, you may manually enter or delete calls
using the 'Insert' Key to enter a call, and the 'Delete' Key
to remove a call.
The data about the streams will be shown in the same colors
as the multistream text colors.
3.12 Alt-O - Turn Robot On
This key combination performs the same function as the Set
ROBOT option in the AMTOR Terminal Menu. The hot key
combination however, is active in both the Packet and AMTOR
communications modes.
This function key also puts the Packet and AMTOR Contest
operation into automatic.
3.13 Alt-P - Turn Printer ON/OFF
This key combination performs the same function as the
toggle printer on/off option in the Parameter Menu.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 30
3.14 Alt-Q - Call QRZ
This key combination transmits the sequence 'QRZ QRZ QRZ DE
YOURCALL' and turns the transceiver back to receive. In
AMTOR, it sends the sequence in FEC and adds the SELCAL.
3.15 Alt-R - Retry Call/Connect
This key combination performs the same task as the Retry
choice in the Call Menu.
3.16 Alt-S - Scan Log
This key combination performs the same function as the Scan
option in the LOG Menu.
3.17 Alt-W - :QRA:
In the Packet Communications Mode, this key combination
performs the same task as the 'W' option in the LAN-LINK
menu. It puts the TNC in the converse mode, sends a :QRA:
and returns the TNC to the command mode.
3.18 Alt-X - Exit to DOS
This key combination performs the same task as the Exit to
Dos choice in the Main Menu. It exits the program and
returns you to DOS.
3.19 Alt-Y - Zap PacketCluster/RTTY Transmit RYs.
In the Packet Communications Mode, this key combination
performs the same task as the PacketCluster choice in the
Call Menu. It connects you to the PacketCluster and issues
the default ('SHOW/WWV' and 'SHOW/DX') instructions when
In the RTTY communications mode, this key causes a sequence
of 'RY's to be transmitted. Note that with solid state
equipment in use in most stations, there should be little
need to send 'RY's during a QSO. They made be used as a
tuning signal.
3.20 Alt-Z - Zap BBS
This key combination performs the same task as the Zap BBS
choice in the Call Menu.
3.21 Alt-= - Toggle Miscellaneous Flag
This key combination performs the same function as the +
option in the parameters menu.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 31
3.22 End - > +? [Over]
In the Packet Communications Mode this command sends your
callsign followed by the > and Line feed characters. You may
use this to signal 'OVER' in a packet contact.
In the AMTOR Communications Mode this command sends the '+?'
sequence of characters which is the software 'OVER' signal.
In the MORSE and RTTY (Baudot and ASCII) communications
modes, this command lets you transmit the 'KN' sequence and
returns you to the Receive Mode. For example if you are
4X6AA and you are working G3ZCZ then you would use Function
Key 3 (F3) to transmit the sequence 'G3ZCZ de 4X6AA' and
this key to send 'KN' and revert to receive. You use this at
the END of a transmission in any mode except Packet.
If you have typed something into the 'type ahead buffer'
then press this key, the contents of the buffer will be
transmitted followed by the turnover command.
3.23 PgUp - Scrollback (Scrolls back incoming text)
This key lets you repeat the display of up to 512 lines of
incoming text which has scrolled out of the incoming window.
You may print it or capture it to disk during the repeat.
A small menu displays your options when showing the scroll
back information. You may move the menu window up and down
with the left and right arrow keys. Use the 'Esc' key to
terminate the Scrollback Mode.
You can save the contents scrollback buffer displayed on the
screen by turning the "Capture-to-Disk' on, and then writing
text to the window. Anything written will be captured. If
the Capture-to-disk is ON before or during scrollback, you
will get two copies of the text in the file.
3.24 The Home Key
The Home Key will clear the window screen that the cursor
happens to be in at the time that the key was depressed, and
will then position the cursor at the top left hand corner of
that window.
3.25 The Down Arrow Key
The Down Arrow Key toggles the Normal/Reverse Sideband
command in all communications modes except MORSE. The
sideband is depicted in the status window by the Up and Down
arrows. If the Down Arrow is showing, you are set for Lower
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 32
Sideband (LSB) which is the one normally used.
If you have reversed the sidebands a flashing Up Arrow will
be displayed.
If you set your transceiver to LSB you will be set correctly
for all modes.
For CW operation you may set your rig to the CW position and
ignore the sideband setting. If you use FSK just set it so
that it works for you.
3.26 Shift/Baudrate Control Keys
The following keys are used to control the Shift (Wide or
narrow) and the Radio link Baudrate in the BAUDOT and ASCII
communications modes. In the BAUDOT and ASCII communications
modes all baud rates supported by the PK-232 may be
3.26.1 RIGHT ARROW speeds up the baud rate.
3.26.2 LEFT ARROW slows down the baud rate.
3.26.3 UP ARROW toggles the shift from Wide shift (850
Hz) to Narrow shift (170 Hz) and back. If you
are using a KAM, it will also pass through the
425 Hz shift position.
3.26.4 DELETE toggles the USOS command (RTTY only).
In the CW communications mode, the left and right
arrows change the CW speed by 1 wpm.
The state of each of the above commands are displayed
in the status window at the top of the screen. If USOS
is active, 'USOS' will be shown. The shift is shown as
'W' or 'N' for wide or narrow respectively.
3.27 Control-Z (^Z)
This key combination is used in the Packet Communication
Mode to signal the end of a file or message, when loading
messages into another LAN-LINK system or into a BBS. In the
AMTOR Communications Mode, it is automatically translated
into the sequence ' :EOF: +? ' which can be used to
terminate a message being stored in another LAN-LINK AMTOR
4.0 Function Keys
Function keys are used to perform operations common to all
communications modes, or to allow fast performance of a function
without having to go through several layers of menus. The action
of each of the function keys is described in the following
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 33
sections. The function key number corresponds to the paragraph
number, namely 4.1 refers to Function Key 1 (F1), etc.
4.1 Capture to Disk Toggle (F1)
This key toggles the "capture-to-disk" command. When the
"capture-to-disk" is active, all incoming text (including
'Echo as sent' outgoing text) is stored on a disk (floppy or
hard) in a file called 'YYMMDD.RUN' where YY is the last two
digits of the year, MM the month and DD the day (E.G.
900824.RUN). If this file does not exist the first time that
LAN-LINK is loaded, it is created. From that time on, for
the rest of that day, successive activations append new data
to the contents of the file.
Each time the command is activated a datestamp (or timetag)
will be written to the file.
When a Packet station connects "capture-to-disk" will be
activated automatically unless you instruct LAN-LINK not to
do so with the Capture-to-disk flag. Packet connects will
thus be recorded in their entirety automatically unless you
turn off the "Capture-to-disk" during the course of the QSO.
"Capture-to-disk" will be stopped at disconnect time.
You may later edit the file at your convenience with your
favorite word processor or the included Editor. However, if
your word processor can only handle files smaller than 64k,
make sure that the 'capture-to-disk' file remains smaller.
You can do this by renaming the file to something like 'LAN-
RUN.001'. LAN-LINK will automatically close the "capture-to-
disk" file when you terminate the program and return to DOS.
You can make Capture-to-disk active when you scroll back.
You can use this feature to save data that has already
scrolled by the window.
4.2 Send Brag Tape and Talk (F2).
This command lets you transmit the Brag Tape (Default LAN-
LINK.TXT. In the non packet modes, it will leave the
transmitter on after sending the file. In the packet mode it
will send a ^Z after sending the file to notify the
recipient that the file is complete.
4.3 Transmit Callsign Sequence (F3)
This command lets you transmit the following sequence <other
call> DE <your call>. For example if you are 4X6AA and you
are working G3ZCZ then this command would transmit the
sequence 'G3ZCZ de 4X6AA'. You use this at the start and end
of a transmission in any mode except Packet.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 34
4.4 Send Brag Tape (F4)
This command lets you transmit the Brag Tape (Default LAN-
LINK.TXT. In the non packet modes, it will turn the
transmitter off after sending the file.
4.5 Show Packet 'MH' list and Point and Shoot Connect (F5).
This command lets you see what calls the TNC has heard
recently on the Packet channels. You can see up to 18, with
the data and time they were last logged by the TNC. Refer to
the 'MH' command in the TNC manual for the particulars of
the display.
The MH list shows up in a special window and freezes until
you depress any key. While the list is frozen, LAN-LINK is
not monitoring received data, so don't freeze it too long.
If the MH list is blank, or information comes in from the
TNC between the time you entered the command and the time
the list is sent back, subsequent text from the TNC will
show up in the MH window until the next 'Cmd:' appears or 18
lines of text have been received.
You can also use this command in a point and shoot method
for attempting a connect with a station you have heard.
Bring up the MH Window and move the cursor to the desired
callsign. When the cursor is positioned on any character in
the call, press the 'Enter' Key and that call will be
recognized as the callsign. If the call is joined to the
word "Cmd:" or the cursor is positioned on a space or blank,
the connect attempt will be inhibited.
LAN-LINK has no way of knowing when the MH list is complete.
Consequently, it sends two commands to the TNC to implement
this feature. The 'MH' command instructs the TNC to start
sending the MH List, the 'ZCZ' command forces an error
response from the TNC. LAN-LINK uses the error response to
close the MH Window.
This command does not work on the TNC1.
4.6 Auto CQ Call (F6)
This command will send a CQ sequence, wait a preset delay
and then repeat the CQ sequence until it receives your call
back from someone else. When it does so, it will alert you
with a Connect Alarm signal, reset the delay timer and
revert to the normal or listening mode. In AMTOR it will
revert to the mode in which it is waiting for an ARQ call
and is able to copy FEC signals on frequency.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 35
When the Automatic CQ sequence is in operation, an
indication will be shown in the status window. The indicator
will be steady while the transmitter is sending the CQ text,
and will blink while the receiver is listening for a reply.
The time delay between calls is set using the 'Q' command in
the Parameters Menu (Set CQ delay time). It is also set as a
defined default by you when you setup your LAN-LINK.SYS
The automatic CQ command will only work in the TNC non
packet modes if the 'Echo as Sent Mode' is set to 'ON' per
the LAN-LINK.SYS file. In other words, you must be able to
see the CQ text slowly echo in the incoming window for the
command to work. The reason for this is that the "K K K" (or
"+?" in AMTOR) sequence is used to arm the software to look
for a reply.
In AMTOR you will get the connect alarm only when the
replying station transmits the '+?' character combination.
The check for the detection of your callsign and the connect
alarm sequence only occur after a line feed character has
been received.
Under most conditions in AMTOR, many in RTTY, and some in
MORSE, LAN-LINK will recognize the callsign of the station
answering your CQ and display it in the status window. In
the event that it fails completely, the sequence '--?--'
will show up in the status window. Since the recognition
algorithm used just looks for the first word following the
'DE space' sequence and assumes that it has the callsign, be
careful to check it when operating under QRM conditions. You
can override the automatic call selection with the Enter
Callsign command in the Call Menu.
The automatic CQ sequence is canceled when an incoming call
is detected (only if the Beacon or Robot/Mailbox Mode is not
selected), if you push the disconnect command key, or if you
change communications modes.
4.7 Activate Type Ahead Buffer/AMTOR Relink (F7)
This key is not available in the Packet Communications Mode.
It also functions somewhat differently in the AMTOR and
other communications modes as described in the following
4.7.1 Activate Type Ahead Buffer
The use of this key sets LAN-LINK to the "Type Ahead"
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 36
Mode. This is necessary for the PK-232 only, the KAM
and the MFJ1278 have the feature built in. Any
characters then typed at the keyboard will be placed
into the TNC transmit buffer. The contents of the
buffer will be transmitted over the air when the
transmit command is invoked with Function Key 10 [F10].
This feature allows you to 'type-ahead' as you can
enter text into the transmit buffer while viewing
incoming words in the INPUT window in the screen. Any
characters typed from the keyboard will be echoed in
the OUTGOING window on the screen.
4.7.2 AMTOR Relink
If you return to the Command Mode when linked to
another station in AMTOR, use this key to get back to
the Converse Mode. If the link times out, you can try
to relink with this key if you have entered the SELCAL
of the other station.
4.8 Disconnect, Disengage or Receive (F8)
This function key returns the station to the receive
communications (TNC command) mode. It may also be used to
abort the automatic CQ sequence. If you use it to abort a CQ
sequence while the transmission is in progress, you may also
want to flush the PK-232 transmit buffer by using the Flush
command in the TNC Menu or the Alt-F hot key combination.
In a multiconnect situation the program will prompt you to
tell it which I/O channel to disconnect.
In AMTOR this command key toggles LAN-LINK between the
Chirpcopy Mode (listening to a QSO in progress) and
monitoring FEC transmissions (CQ calls).
4.9 Put TNC in CMD Mode (F9)
This command puts the TNC into the Command Mode. At this
time, the program is transparent and acts as a dumb terminal
(except for placing incoming and outgoing text in the
relevant windows). You use this Mode for overriding any of
the TNC default conditions. (SEE I TOLD YOU that YOU HAD TO
4.10 Put TNC in CONVERSE /Transmit Mode /AMTOR FEC (F10)
This command places the TNC into the transmit or Converse
Mode. The transmitter is turned on and the contents of the
transmit buffer are transmitted. In the non packet
communications modes, the outgoing characters will be echoed
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 37
back from the TNC and displayed in the INCOMING window on
the CRT as they are transmitted on the air.
In the AMTOR modes this key puts the TNC in the FEC Mode and
turns the transmitter on.
4.11 Alternate Function Keys
These keys transmit the files with the fixed names LAN-
LINK.001 through LAN-LINK.010 (the suffix number corresponds
to the function key) which must be located in the same
directory as the LAN-LINK.EXE program. The transmitter is
left on when the file has been sent.
4.11.1 Send/Talk file LAN-LINK.001
4.11.2 Send/Talk file LAN-LINK.002
4.11.3 Send/Talk file LAN-LINK.003
4.11.4 Send/Talk file LAN-LINK.004
4.11.5 Send/Talk file LAN-LINK.005
4.11.6 Send/Talk file LAN-LINK.006
4.11.7 Send/Talk file LAN-LINK.007
4.11.8 Send/Talk file LAN-LINK.008
4.11.9 Send/Talk file LAN-LINK.009
4.11.10 Send/Talk file LAN-LINK.010
In the non packet communications modes, the transmitter is
left on when the file has been sent. In AMTOR, the
changeover character pair (+?) is not sent.
4.12 Shift Function Keys
These function keys show the contents of the files with the
fixed names LAN-LINK.001 through LAN-LINK.010 (the suffix
number corresponds to the function key) which must be
located in the same directory as the LAN-LINK.EXE program.
4.12.1 Show contents of file LAN-LINK.001
4.12.2 Show contents of file LAN-LINK.002
4.12.3 Show contents of file LAN-LINK.003
4.12.4 Show contents of file LAN-LINK.004
4.12.5 Show contents of file LAN-LINK.005
4.12.6 Show contents of file LAN-LINK.006
4.12.7 Show contents of file LAN-LINK.007
4.12.8 Show contents of file LAN-LINK.008
4.12.9 Show contents of file LAN-LINK.009
4.12.10 Show contents of file LAN-LINK.010
4.13 Control Function Keys
These function keys show the first lines of the files with
the fixed names LAN-LINK.001 through LAN-LINK.010 (the
suffix number corresponds to the function key) which must be
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 38
located in the same directory as the LAN-LINK.EXE program.
5.0 Main menu
When you press the Escape Key, the Main Menu shown in Figure 5
appears on your screen and provides a number of choices which are
described in the following sections.
Figure 5 Main Menu
║ A Quick Menu ║
║ B BBS Menu ║
║ C Call Menu ║
║ D eDit Menu ║
║ E Event/Clock Menu ║
║ F Files Menu ║
║ H Help with Function keys ║
║ J Jump to DOS Shell ║
║ K Lan-linK Menu ║
║ L Log Menu ║
║ M Message Menu ║
║ N TNC Menu ║
║ P Parameter Menu ║
║ Q Q Codes [NC/L] ║
║ S communicationS Mode Menu ║
║ T Terminal Mode Menu ║
║ X eXit LAN-LINK ║
║ Z Elmer Menu ║
Type in the single letter to make your choice.
NOTE: Different options will show up in each menu depending on
the connect state (in packet) or the type of TNC that you are
using. For example, if you are using a TNC that only supports
packet, the non packet menus will not be seen. An other example
is that the BBS Menu is only active when you are connected to
another station.
5.1 The Quick Menu
The Quick Menu shown in Figure 5.1 is designed for new users
and provides the most commonly used functions in a single
Menu. Type in the single letter to make your choice. Each
option is described below.
5.2 Auto CQ
This option initiates the automatic CQ sequence in which
LAN-lINK sends out a CQ call, listens for a reply, and if
none is received, sends out another CQ call, and so on, ad
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 39
infinitum. It is the same as using Function Key 6 (F6).
Figure 5.1 The Quick Menu
╔══════QUICK MENU═══════╗
║ A Auto CQ ║
║ B Send Brag Tape ║
║ C Connect to Someone ║
║ I Initialize PK232 ║
║ L Log ║
║ M Change Mode ║
║ Q Call CQ ║
║ S Send File ║
║ T Send File/Talk ║
║ Z QRZ ║
║ 1..0 Send/Talk 1..10 ║
5.3 Send Brag Tape
This option transmits the Brag Tape is the same as using
Function Key 2 (F2).
5.4 Call Someone
This option is used when you want to call or connect to
another station.
5.5 Log Menu
This option invokes the logbook.
5.6 Change Communications Mode
This option invokes the Communications Mode Menu. You use it
to change TNC communications modes.
5.7 Call CQ
This option is used to initiate a single CQ call.
5.8 Send/Talk File
This option is used to send a file. When the file has been
sent, the transmitter will stay on. This option performs the
same function as Function Key 4 (F4).
5.9 QRZ
This option is the same as using Alt-Q Function Key (Alt-Q).
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 40
5.10 Send/Talk LAN-LINK files 001..010
This option is used to transmit the contents one of the LAN-
LINK buffer files. You select the number, LAN-LINK does the
rest. The option is the same as that provided by the
Alternate Function Keys.
6.0 The BBS Menu
The BBS menu shown in Figure 6 gives you smart file transfer
capabilities with a BBS. The menu is only active when you are
connected to another packet station. The BBS Menu provides the
following capability.
Figure 6 BBS Menu
╔════════════BBS MENU═════════════╗
║ D Download Text File ║
║ X Download Binary File (Xmodem) ║
║ Y Download Binary File (Ymodem) ║
Type in the single letter to make your choice.
6.1 Download Text Files
This option lets you download a text file from the BBS into
a separate text file on your disk. Enter the full BBS
download command at the prompt line.
To download a file from a W0RLI BBS such as FILENAME.TYP in
the A subdirectory you'd enter 'DA FILENAME.TYP'. To
download the same file from the PACKET subdirectory of a
WA7MBL BBS you'd enter the command 'D \PACKET\FILENAME.TYP'.
If you use the 'D' command to download a text file, it will
end up in a separate file on your disk ONLY IF a file of the
same name does not exist on your drive. If a file with the
selected name already exists on your disk drive you will get
an error message.
6.2 Download Binary File (Xmodem)
This option lets you download a binary file from the BBS or
other packet station using the Xmodem protocol into a
separate text file on your disk. Before you use this
command, you have to configure the Xmodem Receive Batch
file. When you use this command, you first have to tell the
BBS the name of the file you are going to download, and then
bring up this option to tell LAN-LINK that a binary file is
on its way. LAN-LINK uses an external binary file transfer
protocol to do the actual file.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 41
6.3 Download Binary File (Ymodem)
This option lets you download a binary file from the BBS or
other packet station using the Ymodem protocol into a
separate text file on your disk. Before you use this
command, you have to configure the Ymodem Receive Batch
file. When you use this command, you first have to tell the
BBS the name of the file you are going to download, and then
bring up this option to tell LAN-LINK that a binary file is
on its way. LAN-LINK uses an external binary file transfer
protocol to do the actual file.
7.0 The Call Menu
The call menu is used to enter calls, either to call/connect/link
a station or to remember a call or path. Each time you are
prompted for a call, LAN-LINK will remember the previous 15 calls
and you may use the Up and Down arrows to move the cursor to a
remembered call. If you wish to capture a call from the incoming
text window, push Function Key 10 (F10) to enter the incoming
text window and move the cursor to the desired callsign. When the
cursor is positioned on any character in the callsign, push the
'Enter' Key and that word will be recognized as the callsign. Any
characters joined to the call (such as a '.') will be picked up
as part of the call. If the cursor is positioned on a space or
blank, the connect attempt will be inhibited.
In AMTOR, whenever you are asked to enter a callsign, LAN-LINK
will prompt you with its guess at the SELCAL. If you agree with
it, just press the 'Enter' Key, if you disagree, enter your
choice over the prompt version.
The Call Menu is communications mode sensitive. In the packet
communications mode it provides the choices shown in Figure 7.1.
Figure 7.1 The Packet Mode Call Menu
╔═══════CALL MENU════════╗
║ A Alert Call ║
║ C Connect ║
║ D Show Directory ║
║ E Enter Call ║
║ M ReMember Path ║
║ P Packet Cluster ║
║ R Retry ║
║ T Target Call ║
║ Q Call CQ ║
║ U aUto CQ ║
║ Z Zapp BBS ║
║ ! Zapp BBS [on Beacon] ║
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 42
In AMTOR it provides the choices shown in figure 7.2.
Figure 7.2 AMTOR Mode Call Menu
╔═════CALL MENU══════╗
║ A ARQ Call/talk ║
║ C ARQ Call ║
║ D Show Directory ║
║ E Enter Call ║
║ R Retry ║
║ Q Call CQ ║
║ U aUto CQ ║
║ X Turn DX ON ║
Type in the single letter to make your choice.
7.1 Alert Call/ARQ Call
7.1.1 Alert Call
The Alert call feature is used in the Packet
Communications Mode when disconnected and the terminal
set for 'TRFC' or 'CQ/BEACON'. LAN-LINK will scan the
packet headers received from the TNC, and, when it sees
a packet originated (or digipeated if the MRPT
parameter in the TNC is set to 'ON'), by the station
whose call you have entered as the 'Alert' call, it
will sound an alarm at the console. The line containing
the packet header will also be displayed in light
This option toggles the Alert call feature on and off.
If it is off, you are prompted for the call to be
monitored, and, if it is on, it is turned off. The
toggle is set when you enter a callsign, and cleared
when you depress the 'Enter' Key instead of a callsign.
The Alert call will be shown flashing in the status
window when in the disconnected state.
NOTE: If the terminal is set for 'CQ/BEACON' the Alert
will only sound if the specified station transmits CQ
or BEACON packets.
7.1.2 ARQ Call
In AMTOR, this option will attempt to send an ARQ call
to the desired station, transmit the callsign sequence
when linked and allow you to continue typing text. Use
this command option to log on to an APLINK BBS.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 43
7.2 Connect/Call
This option works in almost the same manner in both the
packet and non packet communications modes as described in
the following sections.
7.2.1 Non packet Modes
You use this option to call a station heard on the
band. In AMTOR the link request will be sent in the ARQ
Mode to the SELCAL of the desired station. (Note that
this option sends the '+?' after the callsign sequence)
7.2.2 Packet Mode
You use this option to attempt a connect with another
packet station. In a multiconnect situation the LAN-
LINK will automatically select a free I/O channel to
try the connect. Names, Handles and Paths
If you so desire, you can create a directory file
(default name is LAN-LINK.DIR) and keep a list of names
and calls. The computer will look up a name and call
the station by its callsign. For example if you put
as a line in the file, when you tell the computer to
connect to Joe, it will try to connect to G3ZCZ. If you
4X4HF 4X4HF V 4X1AA, 4Z4ZB, 4X4IL
you only need to type '4X4HF' to set up the correct
connect path.
You can also use this feature to automate a NET/ROM
and/or a KA Node path connection. Loop Backs
In the Packet Communications Mode, if you want to loop
back through someone else you would have to type
C <yourcall> V <hiscall>.
For example if I (G3ZCZ) wanted to loop back through
4X6AA, I would have to type the command 'C G3ZCZ V
4X6AA' to the TNC.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 44
In LAN-LINK you just have to enter the '/' character
followed by the call of the station you want to loop
back through. For example if I (G3ZCZ) wanted to loop
back through 4X6AA, I just need to enter
as the call to connect to at the correct prompt, and
LAN-LINK will tell the TNC to try to connect to G3ZCZ
via 4X6AA, namely issue the command 'C G3ZCZ V 4X6AA'
to the TNC.
7.3 Enter Call
This option lets you enter the call of any station calling
you into the program. If you type the Enter Key in response
to the prompt, you can later use Function Key (F3) to
transmit the sequence "DE <yourcall>". You may also use the
Retry feature to call that station.
In AMTOR, you use the feature to enter the callsign and
SELCAL of the station you are listening to and may want to
call later.
7.4 ReMember Path
You may use this option to put an entry in the LAN-LINK.DIR
7.5 Zap Packet Cluster
This option firsts prompts you with the callsign of the
PacketCluster. If you enter a callsign, the entered callsign
will become the new PacketCluster call. LAN-LINK then issues
a connect request to the PacketCluster. When the connection
is achieved, and the PacketCluster sends you a '>' character
at the end of a line of text, LAN-LINK will issue the first
cluster command, followed by the second one, to the
PacketCluster and return to manual operation. The default
commands are:
'SHOW/WWV/1' command followed by a 'SHOW/DX'
Note: PacketCluster is a specialized BBS/conference by
Pavillion Software for DX chasers.
7.6 Call CQ
You use this command key to call CQ. In the Packet
Communications Mode, the TNC will transmit a line of text
along with the CQ packet. The line of text is set up in the
LAN-LINK.SYS file described in Section 22.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 45
In the AMTOR Communications Mode, your SELCAL will be
transmitted along with the CQ call in the FEC Mode.
7.7 Retry
This option (also activated by the Alt-R function key)
allows you to retry a connect that for some reason did not
go through the first time. It saves wear and tear on your
fingers particularly if the desired connect path is via a
number of digipeat relays or through a number of Nodes.
In the non packet modes, it allows you to retransmit a call
to another station without having to re-enter the call.
If you have previously used the Enter feature to put a
callsign in the program when you hear that station, you can
then use the Retry command to call him later when the QSO in
progress terminates.
7.8 Show Call Directory
This option displays the contents of the call directory file
7.9 Target Call
The Target call feature is used in the Packet Communications
Mode when disconnected. LAN-LINK will monitor the stations
connecting to you. When it sees a connect by the station
which you have entered as the 'Target' call, it will set the
flashing Connect Count display to show a 'happy face'.
This option toggles the Target call feature on and off. If
it is off, you are prompted for the call to be monitored, if
it is on, it is turned off. The toggle is set when you enter
a callsign, and cleared when you press the 'Enter' Key
instead of a callsign.
The Target call will be shown flashing in the status window
when in the disconnected state.
7.10 Auto CQ
This option is the same as Function Key 6 (F6).
7.11 Toggle DX Flag
LAN-LINK allows you to call either 'CQ' or 'CQ DX'. If this
flag is set, all CQ calls will be to "CQ DX". If it is
cleared, all CQ calls will be plain CQ's.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 46
7.12 Zap BBS
The BBS Mail Snatch can be initiated in two ways. It can be
initiated when your incoming screen displays a "Mail" beacon
(received from your local BBS) with your call in the first
line following the header, or by LAN-LINK's Zap BBS
function. The automatic BBS Zap will not take place if LAN-
LINK is in the multi-user mode.
In the event of a BBS Mail-Snatch, if the *.BBS file exists
for that BBS, the file will be processed and the contents
sent to the BBS. Thus if you don't get a chance to send the
mail before LAN-LINK downloads the mail from the BBS, it
will send it for you.
When the BBS has accepted the commands the name of the file
is changed from '*.BBS' to '*.n', where 'n' is a number
increasing sequentially each time the function is performed
from a base value set up in the LAN-LINK.SYS file. For
example, the file name KE8X.BBS will be changed to KE8X.001
the first time it happens. In this way, you will have a copy
of the outgoing file on your disk until you choose to delete
In the real world however, message formats are nonstandard,
and can contain any set of characters. The algorithm
developed here transmits the next line in the *.BBS file
when LAN-LINK sees a 'trigger' character-string unless one
of the 'inhibitor' character-strings is also present on the
line of the message text received by LAN-LINK.
These 'trigger' character-strings are '>' (as the last
character of the line of text ), 'Enter', 'Subject', 'Sj:'
and 'Msg:'. The 'inhibitor' character-strings are 'R:', '<'
and 'Message'(R: as in routing headers and < and Message as
in Message-Id: <message number> in message headers).
This should cover most simulated manual BBS message reading
(WA7MBL and W0RLI/VE3GYQ) and avoid false triggering due to
'>'s showing up in message and routing headers.
NOTE that when LAN-LINK finishes processing the *.BBS file,
it will send a 'B' command to the BBS to terminate the
session. This feature is designed to minimize the time you
spend connected to the BBS by allowing you to scan the
message list when automatically receiving your mail, prepare
your replies and download requests off-line and then later
read the incoming messages or files without tying up the
BBS. It thus positively disconnects you from the BBS.
In the Packet Communications Mode, the Alt-Z key initiates a
BBS Mail Snatch. You use this key if you connect to a BBS
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 47
before you hear its beacon, or if you have disabled the BBS
Mail Snatch feature. If you are connected to a BBS, the key
must be used BEFORE the first '>' is received. The first '>'
triggers the sequence. If you have already received that
first '>', send the BBS any command, and the sequence should
begin when the BBS signals that it has completed processing
that command. If you are not connected, LAN-LINK will first
try to connect to the BBS, then perform the sequence.
When you use this command you will be asked if you want to
upload or download. If you want to download, just push the
'Enter' Key. A Download (Mail from the BBS to you) will
automatically be followed by an Upload if the *.BBS file
The download sequence performed by the BBS Mail Snatch is as
RM To read your messages, (Configurable)
L To let you know what is new on the BBS,
LM To list ALL your messages on the BBS,
B To log you off the BBS.
LAN-LINK will wait for the '>' as the last character of the
line of text being received from the BBS, before issuing the
next command in the sequence. Your messages will be placed
in a message file <yourcall>.OUT as if someone else had left
a message for you.
The 'RM' may be customized in the LAN-LINK.SYS file to 'RN'
or 'VM' depending on the software in your local BBS and your
During the time that the BBS is responding to the 'L'
command with a list of new messages, LAN-LINK is scanning
the lines containing the messages to see if it finds one
containing a Scan Word. If it does it will queue a request
to download that message.
If you wish to add a 'KM' to the sequence, place it in the
BBS.BBS file. If you use 'KM' as you may delete mail BEFORE
reading it.
If you use the 'D' command to download a text file, the file
will end up in a separate file on your disk ONLY IF a file
of the same name does not exist on your drive.
Do delete 'read' mail from your local BBS. Don't clutter the
BBS's disk with your read mail. The 'LM' command is built
into LAN-LINK to remind you of what you have out there.
The BBS 'S' command (including its variations such as 'SP')
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 48
is the only multiple line command allowed. You can thus put
all the single line commands such as D, H, ?, L, and R in
the BBS.BBS file.
A 'multiple command' is defined in this instance as a
command which allows you to enter multiple lines before the
BBS will send back a '>' character (i.e. one that the BBS
tells you to type in text and terminate it with the Control
Z character).
Each message must be in the format expected by the BBS and
must end with the " :EOF: " character string, but there is
no need for any special end of BBS file character.
A typical message could be as shown below.
I think it is great. However, why don't you change the
following...... (add your comments here).
:EOF: {last line may also be '/EX'}
7.13 Zap BBS on Next Mail Beacon
This option causes LAN-LINK to Zap your local BBS next time
it beacons with a list of calls for which it has Mail. You
set this option active when you want to upload a set of
messages, or are not sure if there are any messages waiting
for you on the BBS. A typical situation is where there are a
lot of NTS messages stacked up in the BBS.BBS file waiting
to go. This parameter will be reset when the connect goes
through, so if the Zap attempt failed, it will try again on
the following Mail beacon. This will not work in the Multi-
user mode.
8.0 Edit Menu
The Edit menu is shown in Figure 8. Type in the single letter to
make your choice.
LAN-LINK contains an ASCII text editor suitable for files less
than 64k in size. It is built based on Borland's Turbo Pascal
Editor Toolbox and the commands are compatible with Sidekick and
Wordstar. Each time you invoke the editor, LAN-LINK checks that
enough RAM exists. If you do not have enough RAM, LAN-LINK will
give you a 'Heap Error' message. A summary of the editor commands
is shown below.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 49
Figure 8 The Edit Menu
╔══════════FILE EDIT MENU═══════════╗
║ F Any other File ║
║ G Incoming Message ║
║ K Answer Capture-to-disk file ║
║ M Answer Incoming Mail ║
║ L Leave Messages >> N4QQ ║
║ N Leave Note ║
║ P Pick Ctdsk File to Edit ║
║ O Pick OUT File to Edit ║
║ R Capture-to-disk file ║
║ T Two Files ║
║ 1,2 - 0 LAN-LINK.001 - 010 ║
F10 Switch Windows (if more than one window open)
Backspace Delete left char
Del Delete Char
Enter New line
Ins Toggle insert mode
PgUp Move cursor up one page
PgDn Move cursor down one page
^A Move cursor left one word
^C Move cursor down one page
^D Move cursor right one character
^E Move cursor up one line
^F Move cursor right one word
^G Delete one character
^H Delete left one character
^I Tab
^L Find/replace next occurrence
^P Insert a control character into the text
^M New line
^N Insert line
^R Move cursor up one page
^S Move cursor left one character
^T Delete one word after cursor
^V Toggle insert mode
^W Scroll up
^X Move cursor down one line
^Y Delete line at cursor
^Z Scroll down
^K^B Mark beginning of block
^K^C Copy block to position of cursor
^K^D Save file and exit edit
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 50
^K^H Hide block marker
^K^K Mark end of block
^K^Q Abandon file and exit edit
^K^R Read file into screen
^K^T Mark single word as block
^K^V Move block to position of cursor
^K^W Write block to disk file
^K^Y Delete block
^K 1..9 Set marker 1 .. 9
^Q^A Find text and replace
^Q^B Move to beginning of block
^Q^C Move to end of file
^Q^D Move to right of line
^Q^E Move to top of window
^Q^F Find text
^Q^I Toggle autoindent mode
^Q^K Move to end of block
^Q^R Move to top of file
^Q^S Move to left of line
^Q^X Move to bottom of window
^Q^Y Delete to end of line
^Q 1..9 Jump to marker 1..9
The following options can be set in the Find/Find and
Replace (^Qf and ^Qa) operations.
# locates #th occurrence
G global replace
N replace without Y/N question
U ignore upper case/lower case
W match whole words only
1 The ^ key in front of a character identifies that character as
a 'control' character. To activate it, hold down the Control
key AND the character key.
2 Some of the commands require two keystrokes.
3 Use ^P to embed a control character in the text. For example,
if you are creating a file containing commands to be sent to
the TNC, to enter a control-C character into the file, use the
^P^C sequence of keystrokes.
WHILE USING THE EDITOR, LAN-LINK can't receive and process
characters from the TNC. All other features ARE INHIBITED OR
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 51
The Edit menu allows you to call up the various files for editing
as follows.
8.1 Edit Brag Tape
This option allows you to create and edit the Brag Tape File
8.2 Edit Call Directory file
This option allows you to create and edit the Call Directory
8.3 Edit any other file
This option allows you to create and edit any other file.
8.4 Answer Ctdsk File (Split Screen)
This option allows you to edit the capture-to-disk file and
reply to incoming bulletins/messages in a split screen mode.
The contents of the incoming bulletins and messages will be
displayed in the top window, and the reply file in the lower
window. The reply file is assumed to be named according to
the Zap convention (*.BBS file). You will have to set up the
replies/outgoing messages in the form shown below.
SP Call @ BBS
Subject of the message
content lines
End the message with either
':EOF:' , '/ex' or '/EX'
as the first word on a separate line (without the '). For
This is a test
Use Function key 10 (F10) to switch windows. At this time
you cannot transfer text between windows.
8.5 Answer Incoming Messages (Split Screen)
This option allows you to answer incoming messages in a
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 52
split screen mode. The contents of the incoming messages
will be displayed in the top window, and the reply file in
the lower window. The reply file is assumed to be named
according to the Zap convention (LOCAL-BBS.BBS file). Reply
messages are set up as described in Section 8.4.
Use Function key 10 (F10) to switch windows. At this time
you cannot transfer text between windows.
8.6 Leave Note for Someone
In all modes you can leave a brief note (message) for
another station. When you invoke this option, you will be
prompted for the call of the station that you want to leave
a note for. The date/time header is written to the message
file, then as you enter the text it is stored on the disk in
the usual format.
After you have left the note and received the 'QSL' message
from LAN-LINK, if you are in the Packet Communications Mode,
press Function Key 8 (F8) or Alt-D to load the callsign of
the recipient into the beacon.
When you leave a note, leave it for the root call of the
connectee, for example to leave a note for G3ZCZ/W3 leave it
for G3ZCZ, similarly to leave a note for WB8WKA-1 leave it
for WB8WKA. LAN-LINK is smart enough to extract the root
call from any callsign it links/connects with.
8.7 Edit Capture-to-Disk file
This option allows you to edit the Capture-to-Disk file as
long as it is smaller than 64k.
8.8 Edit Two Files (Split Screen)
This option allows you to create and edit any two files. Use
Function Key 10 (F10) to switch windows. At this time you
cannot transfer text between windows.
8.9 Edit Configuration file
This option allows you to edit the Configuration File (LAN-
8.10 Edit LAN-LINK.001 through LAN-LINK.010 files
This option allows you to create and edit the 10 files (LAN-
LINK.001 to LAN-LINK.010). Use the suffix number to access
the respective LAN-LINK.* file, use the number 0 to access
the LAN-LINK.010 file .
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 53
8.11 Pick Capture-to-disk to Edit
This option presents you with a directory window containing
a list of capture-to-disk files (YYMMDD.RUN). Move the
cursor down to the desired file and touch the 'Enter' key.
If you don't want to edit any of them, then move the cursor
down to a blank line. If you have more files than one screen
full, use the Pgdn (Page Down) key to show the next screen
8.12 Pick Message file to Edit
This option presents you with a directory window containing
a list of message files (*.OUT). Move the cursor down to the
desired message file and touch the 'Enter' key. If you don't
want to edit any of them, then move the cursor down to a
blank line. If you have more files than one screen full, use
the Pgdn (Page Down) key to show the next screen full.
8.13 Leave Messages on your local BBS
This option allows you to edit your LOCAL-BBS.BBS file in a
single window.
8.14 Incoming Message
This option allows you to edit your incoming message file in
a single window.
9.0 Event/Clock Menu
LAN-LINK contains some time dependent features which allow you to
schedule events. These features are controlled from this
Event/Clock Menu shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9 Event/Clock Menu
╔══════EVENT/CLOCK MENU══════╗
║ A Set Alarm ║
║ C Connect ? ║
║ D Display Event ║
║ P Periodic Connect ? ║
║ R Turn Robot ON/OFF ║
║ S Turn ConteSt ON/OFF ║
║ T Turn Time Display ON/OFF ║
║ X Cancel Event ║
║ Z Zap BBS ║
Type in the single letter to make your choice.
To set a scheduled event, first select the event, then enter the
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 54
time. You may set the event to occur once a day, or once an hour.
If you wish the event to occur once an hour, enter an hour value
greater than 23 when asked to enter the hour. Each time the event
occurs, the feature will be cleared.
9.1 Set Alarm
This option allows you to set an alarm clock.
9.2 Connect
This option allows you to set LAN-LINK to issue a call or
connect request at some later time.
9.3 Display Event
This option allows you to display the scheduled event.
9.4 Periodic Event
This option allows you to set a periodic connect request or
call event. You can set the start time, the end time and the
time interval between the connect/call attempts. The first
connect that goes through will clear the event scheduler.
9.5 Turn Robot ON/OFF
This option allows you to turn the AMTOR/Packet Robot on or
off at a fixed time.
9.6 Turn Contest ON/OFF
This option allows you to turn the AMTOR/Packet Automatic
Contester on or off at a fixed time. You will be prompted
for the time, a starting QSO number (in case you a
restarting the contest) and the Contest Text (in case you
wish to change it).
9.7 Turn Time Display ON/OFF
This option allows you to turn the clock display on or off.
9.8 Cancel Event
This option allows you to cancel a scheduled event.
9.9 Zap BBS
This option allows you to schedule a BBS Zap at a
predetermined time (like in the middle of the night). You
may for example set it to attempt to connect to a BBS at a
fixed time or hourly at any desired minute after the hour.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 55
Should the connect be made, the event scheduler will be
cleared and no further connect attempts will be made.
10.0 Files Menu
The Files Menu is shown in Figure 10. Type in the single letter
to make your choice.
Figure 10 The Files Menu
╔════════════FILES MENU════════════╗
║ B Send Brag Tape ║
║ D File Directory ║
║ E Erase File ║
║ F priNt File ║
║ N priNt Ctdsk File ║
║ P Pick Ctdsk File to View ║
║ R Rename File ║
║ S Send File ║
║ T Send/Talk File ║
║ U send Upppercase File ║
║ V View File ║
║ Y View Capture-to-disk File ║
║ Z View Messages ║
During the file transfer, the outgoing text will appear in the
OUTwindow. If the text is long enough and fills the TNC buffer,
you will see it stop, and then continue when the TNC is ready to
accept more text, the message sequence will resume. NOTE hardware
flow control NOT ^S/^Q software is used.
When you transmit a file (B or S) you are returned to the receive
mode after the file is sent except in the Packet Communications
Mode. In the Packet Communications Mode, when the file has been
loaded into the TNC the computer will add the ^Z character to the
outgoing text to signal to the recipient that the file
transmission is over.
The computer will signal you (using the bell character) when the
file has been loaded into the TNC, Note that is not the same as
the time that the TNC has transmitted the file, because the TNC
incorporates a character buffer.
10.1 Send Brag Tape
This command allows you to transmit a standard text file
historically known as a "Brag Tape". The default name of the
brag tape file is LAN-LINK.TXT, and it should be created
with a word processor in the non-document mode, or with LAN-
LINK's editor.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 56
10.2 File Directory
This command shows you the directory of the disk drive.
10.3 Erase File
This command allows you to erase or delete a file.
10.4 Pick Ctdsk file to View
This command allows you to view a *.RUN file. When you
exercise this command you will be presented with a list of
capture-to-disk files (YYMMDD.RUN). Move the cursor down to
the one you want to view and touch the 'Enter' key to select
it. Use this option, if you must, on long files. On files
with less than 64k characters, use the Edit Menu.
10.5 Rename File
This command allows you to rename a file. You could for
example rename a document file to a "<callsign>.OUT" file so
that someone will receive it automatically next time they
10.6 Send File
This option lets you transmit an ASCII file. In the non
packet modes, it will turn the transmitter off after sending
the file. In the packet mode it will send a ^Z character
when the file is complete.
10.7 Send/Talk File
This option lets you transmit an ASCII file. In the non
packet modes, it will leave the transmitter on after sending
the file.
10.8 Send Uppercase File
This option lets you transmit an ASCII file and converts
each line of text in the file to UPPERCASE before
transmitting it. The file itself is not changed. In the non
packet modes, it will turn the transmitter off after sending
the file.
10.9 View file
This option lets you view the contents of a file. Use it if
you must on long files. On files with less than 64k
characters, use the Edit Menu.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 57
10.10 View Ctdsk File
This option lets you view the contents of the capture-to-
disk file (YYMMDD.RUN) which you specify by name. Use it if
you must, on long files. On files with less than 64k
characters, use the Edit Menu.
10.11 View Incoming Message File
This option lets you view the contents the Incoming message
file (yourcall.OUT). Use it if you must, on long files. On
files with less than 64k characters, use the Edit Menu.
10.12 Print File
This option lets you print the contents of a file.
11.0 Help with function keys
This Main menu option will activate the HELP display which
presents you with a (very) brief reminder summary of the function
and hot keys. This window will remain on display until a
character is typed at the keyboard.
12.0 Jump to DOS Shell
This Main menu option allows you to enter a DOS shell. If you do
not restore the system to the directory which contains LAN-LINK
before you EXIT from the shell, LAN-LINK will do so for you.
You may use the DOS shell while in QSO when you have loaded the
computer/TNC output buffers and output will continue to flow.
To exit from the DOS shell back to LAN-LINK, enter the command
'EXIT'. LAN-LINK will automatically return you to the correct
13.0 LAN-LINK Menu
The LAN-LINK menu provides different options depending on whether
you are connected to another station or not. Figure 13.1 shows
options that are available when connected. Figure 13.2 shows the
menu when not connected. In each case, type in the single letter
to make your choice.
Each of the features (except the :QBU:) may also be performed
manually by typing the full sequence of Network Control Language
(see Appendix 3) character strings.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 58
Figure 13.1 LAN-LINK Menu when connected
╔══════LAN MENU═══════╗
║ ║
║ B :QBU: Protocol ║
║ D :QZD: Binary File ║
║ M :QBM: ASCII File ║
║ P :QSP: Message ║
║ Q :QDB: ASCII File ║
║ S :QSM: Message ║
║ T :QTA: Message ║
║ U :QRU: Messages ║
║ Z :QZU: Binary File ║
║ ║
Figure 13.2 LAN-LINK Menu when not connected
╔══════LAN MENU═══════╗
║ ║
║ W Who is "ON-LINE" ║
║ ║
13.1 The :QBU: Command
This is a Sequence for external operations. It requires that
the batch file 'QBU-TX.BAT' be present in the transmitting
(initiating) station, and the batch file 'QBU-RX.BAT' be
present in the receiving station. When the QBU sequence is
executed the following occurs:-
The transmitting station sends a :QBU:
The receiving station sends a :QRV: and an amount of memory
left on disk, enters the transparent mode, jumps to dos and
executes the batch file 'QBU-RX.BAT'.
Upon receipt of the :QRV:, the transmitting station then
puts the TNC in the transparent mode and jumps to Dos and
executes the batch file 'QBU-TX.BAT'. The batch file should
exit and return to LAN-LINK. LAN-LINK then exits the
transparent mode.
When the receiving station batch file finishes and returns
to LAN-LINK. LAN-LINK then exits the transparent mode and
transmits a :QSL: if the DOS Error level was 0 and a :QNO:
error if it wasn't.
At this time both stations are back in the converse mode.
You may use this technique for transmitting pure binary
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 59
files using external (to LAN-LINK) protocols). You may
change the default names of the batch files in the LAN-
LINK.SYS configuration file.
13.2 :QBM: ASCII File
You use this option to download an ASCII file from another
LAN-LINK station. It is the same as manually typing
13.3 :QSM: Message
You use this option to request a repeat of a message. It is
the same as manually typing ':QSM:'.
13.4 :QSP: Message
You use this option to store a message on another LAN-LINK
station. It is the same as manually typing
':QSP: <callsign>'.
LAN-LINK contains store and forward routines for messages in
a Local Area Network (LAN).
When connected to another LAN-LINK station, you may use the
NC/L :QSP: command to leave a message at that station. This
QSP command automates that feature for you. It lets you just
enter the callsign of the station you wish to leave a
message for. It will then send the text sequence :QSP:
<callsign>. The other LAN-LINK HOST station will either
reply :QNO: followed by a number or :QRV: <callsign>. The
'QNO' message means that the other computer cannot accept
the message, the :QRV: message means that it is waiting for
you to send it.
If you get the :QRV: reply, go ahead and type the message,
or send the text file containing the message. If you type
the message, use a control Z (^Z) character and carriage
return to terminate the message. (In AMTOR, LAN-LINK will
translate the ^Z to :EOF: +? to terminate the message). You
will then receive either a :QSL: from the other station
meaning that the message is accepted, or a :QNO: followed by
a message that something went wrong and the message was not
13.5 :QDB: ASCII File
You use this option to upload an ASCII file to another LAN-
LINK station. It is the same as manually typing
Using this option saves you typing the file name twice.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 60
13.6 :QRU: Messages
The NC/L QRU command allows you to upload a number of
messages to the other station. You use it when you have
messages pending on your system and want to pass them to a
third computer for storage in the LAN, while you take your
computer off-line.
You use this option to begin the upload sequence to transfer
messages for a number of stations to another LAN- LINK
station. It is the same as manually typing :QRU:.
You can only use this option with a station which you have
previously designated as a store and forward mail box, for
specific stations, namely one for which you have set up a
<callsign>.MBX file. This command may be triggered by you
using this choice or by the connecting station sending you a
:QRU: command.
When the sequence is over, the computer sending the messages
will transmit the NC/L command word :QJG: to signal that the
sequence is complete. Should you receive it before you get
any messages, then there weren't any pending.
If you want to download messages from another LAN-LINK
system, connect to it and type the sequence :QRU: followed
by the 'Enter' character. that system will then respond to
you as if the operator there had initiated a QRU command.
13.7 Who is "ON-LINE"
You use this option (when unconnected and monitoring the
traffic on a channel) to see who is 'ON-LINE' on the LAN. It
is the same as going manually into the Converse Mode and
transmitting an unconnected packet containing the character
string :QRA:. You may also use the Alt-W function key to
transmit the same sequence.
13.8 :QTA: Messages
If you have a bad path and your messages are not
automatically deleted by the other station after they have
been sent to you, you use this option to delete your
message. It is the same as manually typing ':QTA:'.
13.9 :QZD: Binary Files
This command uses the external batch files to download a
Binary file from another LAN-LINK Station using the Zmodem
Protocol. See Appendix 3 for further information about LAN-
LINK's binary file transfer capability. If you attempt to
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 61
download a file which exists in your computer, LAN-LINK will
use ZModem's "restore after interrupt" capability to pick up
the transfer at the point when (it assumes) the transfer was
interrupted. You must configure all four QZ*.BAT files
before trying to :QZD: as described in Section 24.13.
13.10 :QZU: Binary Files
This command uses the external batch files to Upload a
Binary file to another LAN-LINK Station using the Zmodem
Protocol. See Appendix 2.5 for further information about
LAN-LINK's binary file transfer capability. LAN-LINK will
not let you upload a file to the other system, if a file
with that name already exists on the system. This stops you
overwriting existing files. If the link drops out while you
are uplinking a file, and you wish to try again later,
rename the file you are sending, then reconnect and try
again. Don't forget to :QSP: the other station and tell the
operator what happened. You must configure all four QZ*.BAT
files before trying to :QZU: as described in Section 24.13.
14.0 Log Menu
LAN-LINK performs automatic log book entries for Packet and AMTOR
Beacon mode Connects, and semiautomatic log book entries for
other modes. The Log files are in dBASE 3 format and can be
processed by the DBASE Log book Package in PC-HAM for indexed
listings, tracking of DXCC and other AWARDS, etc. This is ideal
for special event stations and DX-peditions, for the whole QSL
process and further statistical analyses of their operation. The
structure of the logbook files are as shown in Table 14.
Table 14 Structure of the Log book database
Field Field Name Type Length
1 DATE Character 8
2 TIME Character 4
3 BAND Character 3
4 CALL Character 10
5 RX Character 3
6 TX Character 3
7 MODE Character 4
8 POWER Character 4
9 QSLSENT Character 1
10 QSLRX Character 1
11 COMMENTS Character 20
** Total ** 62
The size of the COMMENTS field is a compromise. Each field is a
fixed size so that each log entry takes up a minimum of 62
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 62
characters worth of space on the disk even if all the character
space is unused. You may change the size of the field if you
wish, but to do that you will have to use dBASE. Note also, that
if you do make the comments field longer, the display will be
screwed up.
For the logging feature to work, the logbook file VHF.DBF (or
HF.DBF) must be present on the disk.
When an AMTOR beacon mode or packet connect occurs, the connect
is automatically logged. In the Packet Mode, the connect path is
placed in the comments section of the logbook entry. In the non
packet modes, the log data entry is set up for you with default
599 values for the reports exchanged.
When you bring up the Log Menu you will be shown the last screen
or page of log entries. The last entry will be highlighted. At
this time a number of function keys can be used, or you may
depress the 'Escape' key to bring up the Main Log Menu. The
Function Keys shown in figure 14.1 are active in the Log book.
Figure 14.1 Function Keys active in Log book
╔════Alt Function Keys════╗
║ A Append Entry ║
║ E Edit Log Entry ║
║ F Find an Entry ║
║ S Scan Log by Call ║
║ U Toggle Delete Mark ║
║ Z Pack Log ║
║ Ins Toggle Insert Mode ║
║ End Show Last Page ║
║ Home Show First Page ║
║ PgUp Page Up ║
║ PgDn Page Down ║
║ Up One Entry ║
║ Down One Entry ║
The operation of each function key is described below.
14.0 Function Keys
14.0.1 Alt-A Append Entry
This function key allows you to manually append an entry to
the log. You can also use this command to enter the odd SSB
contact into the logbook file. If you do, use the characters
'SSB' or 'FM' for those voice modes to remain compatible
with the rest of the DBASE logbook package.
When appending or editing an entry, LAN-LINK will
automatically enter the date, time, callsign of the other
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 63
station, band, mode and QSL information in upper case.
The comments field in the LAN-LINK logbook file is
restricted to a maximum of 20 characters. If you try and
enter more than 20, the surplus will be ignored.
14.0.2 Alt-E Edit Log Entry
This function key allows you to edit the highlighted entry.
Move the cursor with the arrow keys, and end the edit
process by depressing the 'Escape' key.
You may use the 'QSL' entry to tag the fact that you have
written out or received a QSL card.
14.0.3 Alt-F Find an Entry
This function key allows you to find an entry by the
(record) number assigned to it by LAN-LINK. This is the
number displayed in the first column.
14.0.4 Alt-S Scan Log by Call
This function key allows you to scan the logbook by callsign
14.0.5 Alt-U Toggle Delete Mark
This function key allows you to mark an entry for deletion,
or unmark it in case you change your mind. Entries marked
for deletion will be flagged by an '*' character next to the
record number.
14.0.6 Alt-Z Pack Log
This function key allows you to pack the logbook files. All
entries marked for deletion will really be deleted at this
14.0.7 Ins Toggle Insert Mode
This function key allows you to turn the insert mode ON and
OFF for the edit/append functions.
14.0.8 End Show Last Page
This function key moves you to the last page of the logbook.
14.0.9 Home Show First Page
This function key moves you to the first page of the
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 64
14.0.10 PgUp Move Up One Page
This function key moves the display up one page of the
14.0.11 PgDn Move Down One Page
This function key moves the display down one page of the
14.0.12 Up Arrow Move Up One Entry
This function key moves the highlight up one entry in the
14.0.13 Down Arrow Move Down One Entry
This function key moves the highlight down one entry in the
When you bring up the Main Log Menu, it provides the choices
shown in Figure 14.2.
Figure 14.2 The Log Menu
╔═════LOG SELECTIONS═════╗
║ A Append Entry ║
║ B Scan Log by Band ║
║ C Change Log ║
║ D find Date ║
║ E Edit Log Entry ║
║ F Find an Entry ║
║ G Purge Log ║
║ I Import-Convert Log ║
║ H Help Function Keys ║
║ K PicK Log ║
║ M Scan Log by Mode ║
║ N Create New Blank Log ║
║ P Print Log ║
║ S Scan Log by Call ║
║ U Update from Old data ║
║ Z fuZzy scan ║
║ X eXit From Log Menu ║
Type in the single letter to make your choice.
14.1 Log Selections
14.1 Append an Entry
This option lets you append an entry. It is the same as the
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 65
Alt-A logbook mode function key.
14.2 Scan Log by Band
This option lets you scan the logbook file and display QSOs
made on a particular band.
14.3 Change Logbook File
This option lets you temporarily change the logbook file. If
you want to change it permanently, change it in the LAN-
LINK.SYS file. When you enter the new name, LAN-LINK will
assume that it is a filetype DBF. For example, if you have
different logbooks for different operations on-line, such as
4X.DBF or W8.DBF, you only need answer 4X in response to the
question to change to the 4X.DBF logbook. In accordance with
the dBASE convention, you cannot use any filetype other than
14.4 Find Date
This option lets you locate and move the highlight to
entries for a particular date. If no entries are found for
the desired date, the first entry after that date will be
highlighted. Note you can also scan for parts of a date such
as "90/01" for the first entry in January 1990.
14.5 Edit Log Entry
You invoke this option to edit the highlighted entry. This
function is the same as that invoked with the Alt-E function
14.6 Find an Entry
This option lets you find an entry by its number. It is the
same as the Alt-F logbook mode function key.
14.7 Import-Convert Log
This option lets you import logs from earlier releases of
LAN-LINK (up to and including Version 1.56). It can also be
used to import a log generated by the PC-HAM CONTEST
14.8 Help Function Keys
This option brings up a menu listing the log mode function
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 66
14.9 Scan Log by Mode
This option lets you scan the logbook file and display QSOs
made using a particular mode.
14.10 Print Log
This command prints the contents of the logbook file in a
formatted manner to the printer.
14.11 Scan Log by Call
This command displays the contents of the logbook file in a
formatted manner on the screen. It requests the callsign of
the log entry to be displayed. If you want to see entries
for particular calls or parts of call, enter those call or
parts of calls. Valid entries are G, G3, G3Z etc. If you
want to see every entry in the log, don't use this command,
use the Page Up and Page Down keys from the Main Log menu.
14.12 Update from Old data
This option is identical to the Append option except that
the date and time are not entered for you automatically.
You'd use this option to manually enter old data into the
14.13 Exit From Log Menu
This option lets you exit from the Log Menu. It provides the
same function as the Alt-X key.
14.14 Fuzzy Scan
This option allows you to scan the callsign or the comment
field (your choice) for a character string. For example you
could scan the comments field for all entries with the word
"Joe". You could scan the callsigns for all calls with the
suffix of "ZCZ".
14.15 Pick a Log file
This command allows you to pick a *.DBF file. When you
exercise this command you will be presented with a list of
log files (*.DBF. Move the cursor down to the one you want
to use and touch the 'Enter' key to select it.
14.16 Create a New Log file
This command allows you to create a blank logbook (*.DBF)
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 67
14.17 Purge a Call
This command allows you to purge one callsign from the log.
Use it to delete the call of your local BBS if the logbook
file gets too big.
15.0 Message Menu
The Message Menu is shown in Figure 15. Type the single letter to
make your choice.
15.1 BBS Command Files
This option shows you a list of the BBS command files on the
default directory. In other words, all files with the file
extension of '.BBS'.
15.2 Current Messages
This option shows you a list of the outgoing messages that
have not been sent. In other words, all files with the file
extension of '.OUT'.
Figure 15 The Message Menu
╔════MESSAGE MENU═════╗
║ B BBS Command Files ║
║ C Current Messages ║
║ L Leave Note ║
║ N Print Message ║
║ O Old Messages ║
║ T Time Tag ║
║ V View Messages ║
15.3 View Message
This feature allows you to view messages in the computer.
After depressing the key you will be prompted for INcoming
or OUTgoing (I/O) messages. If you request 'I' (Incoming)
messages you will see the messages addressed to your
callsign. If you request 'O' (for OUTgoing) you will be
presented with a directory window containing a list of
messages. Move the cursor down to the desired message, and
touch the 'Enter' key. If you don't want to view any of
them, then move the cursor down to a blank line. If you have
more messages than one screen full, use the Pgdn (Page Down)
key to show the next screen full.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 68
15.4 Leave Note
This feature allows you to leave a note for another station
on the LAN in your system. It works in the manner described
in Section 8.
15.5 Old Messages
This feature shows you a list of the messages that have been
sent. In other words, all files with the file extension of
15.6 Time Tag
This option is used to place a date time header on a message
file previously prepared by a word processor. The name of
the file must be in the format 'CALLSIGN.OUT' (For example,
G3ZCZ.OUT). It requests the callsign of the message file. It
then opens a new file, writes the header to the new file and
copies the contents of the original '*.OUT' file to the new
one. When all is done, the original filename is changed to
'*.BAK' and the new one becomes '*.OUT'.
16.0 TNC Menu
The TNC Menu depends on the TNC. For example the MFJ1278 provides
the choices are shown in Figure 16.1. The PK-232 TNC menu is
similar as shown in Figure 16.2. The actual menu you see also
depends on the mode. In the non packet modes, the non packet
options will be locked out. For example, in the PK-232 Baudot
mode, the menu will appear as shown in Figure 16.3.
Whichever menu is displayed, type in the single letter to make
your choice.
Figure 16.1 MFJ1278 TNC Menu
╔════════MFJ1278 TNC MENU═════════╗
║ D Set MFJ1278 Date/Time ║
║ E Disable MFJ1278 Port ║
║ F Flush MFJ1278 Buffer ║
║ I Initialize MFJ1278 ║
║ M calls Monitored List ║
║ S Show Connect Status ║
║ T Change cText ║
║ X Activate MFJ1278 Mailbox ║
║ Y Deactivate MFJ1278 Mailbox ║
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 69
Figure 16.2 The PK-232 TNC Menu
╔═════════PK232 TNC MENU══════════╗
║ D Set PK232 Date/Time ║
║ E Disable PK232 Port ║
║ F Flush PK232 Buffer ║
║ I Initialize PK232 ║
║ M calls Monitored List ║
║ S Show Connect Status ║
║ T Change cText ║
║ X Activate PK232 Mailbox ║
║ Y Deactivate PK232 Mailbox ║
Figure 16.3 The PK-232 TNC Menu in BAUDOT
╔═════════PK232 TNC MENU══════════╗
║ D Set PK232 Date/Time ║
║ E Disable PK232 Port ║
║ F Flush PK232 Buffer ║
║ I Initialize PK232 ║
16.1 Set TNC Date/Time
This feature puts the TNC into the Command Mode and loads
the date into it from the computer time of day clock.
This command does not work on the TNC1.
16.2 Flush TNC Buffer
This option is used to flush the program's incoming or
outgoing text buffer and that of the PK-232. When used with
other TNCs it will only flush contents (if any) of the
buffers in the PC. If you flush the incoming buffer, you
will only flush the buffer in the PC, thus any characters
still in the TNC will still come through. If that happens,
bring up the function and wait a while before activating it.
16.3 Initialize TNC
This feature sets up the defaults for the TNC from the file
LAN-LINK.SYS. If you have put batteries in the TNC, you
should normally only have to run this command when you first
power up the TNC or change the batteries. However, the
batteries must be removed initially since they are there to
retain the default settings of the TNC (particularly the PK-
232). Once the initialization is complete, you can replace
the batteries but leave the TNC on since the battery
provides power to the RAMs after the TNC power is turned
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 70
It will also set the date and time within the TNC from the
computer clock, and, when it has loaded the configuration
file, may prompt you to set the TNC Terminal mode. If you
are using a TNC1 or a TNC2, it will not prompt you because
it assumes that they only operate on VHF packet. If you are
using a KPC-2, you may select 'H' or 'V', and of course, if
you have a PK-232, you may choose any of the options.
16.4 Show Calls Monitored List
This feature performs the same operation as Function Key 5
16.5 Show Connect Status
When you are in the Packet Communications Mode, this command
lets you see the state of the connection. It will show you
if there are any unacknowledged packets en route to the
other station. If you have been sending text, it is
advisable to use this command before you disconnect, to
ensure that all the data has been received and acknowledged
by the other party. You may use this command in either the
TNC Command or the TNC Converse Mode.
In a multiconnect situation, it will show you the status on
all the I/O channels.
You may also use this command to reset the status window
display after a relink or any other event which was not
reflected in the status window.
16.6 Change CTEXT
This feature allows you to temporarily change the message
that will be received by another packet station when it
connects to you. Refer to the 'CTEXT' command in the TNC
16.7 Activate TNC Mailbox
This option allows you to activate the personal mailbox
built into your TNC. You use it to read your mail, or before
shutting down, if you have not set the shut down mode to 5.
You will have to interrogate the mailbox in the command mode
(F) to view any messages. The mailbox in your TNC provides
a convenient way for people to leave you a message when your
PC is switched off or is in use for something other than
packet radio. If you do choose to make use of the personal
BBS in the mailbox, make sure that you have a battery in the
TNC. When reading your TNC Mailbox mail, you must type the
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 71
commands listed in your TNC manual.
To save your local full service BBS SYSOP some hassles, it
is strongly recommended that you let LAN-LINK do your
outgoing and incoming message and bulletin store and
forwarding. Use the 'L' option in the Edit menu to enter any
messages off-line, the 'M' and 'K' options in the Edit menu
to answer any incoming messages or comment on any bulletins.
Once the data are in the LOCAL-BBS.BBS file, let the BBS Zap
take care of transferring the messages to the BBS.
16.8 Deactivate TNC Mailbox
This option allows you to deactivate the personal mailbox
built into your TNC.
This menu allows you to configure the KAM, MFJ1278 or the PK-232
to copy signals from AMSAT-OSCAR Spacecraft telemetry beacons
depending on the TNC. The following options are available.
A UoSAT ASCII Beacon (PK-232 only)
B Phase 3 RTTY Beacon
R SARA 300 Baud ASCII (PK-232 only)
S SAREX Menu (only if you are in the Packet
Communications Mode)
Type in the single letter to make your choice.
17.1 UoSAT ASCII Beacon
This option is only available on the PK-232. It configures
the PK-232 for receiving UoSAT 1200 Baud ASCII signals in
the following manner.
AB 1200
VHF ON (Bell 202 tones)
WI ON (850 Hz shift)
Signals from UoSAT-OSCAR 11 may be copied in this
configuration. Note that although UoSAT-OSCAR 11 transmits
Bell 202 compatible tones, the data sense is reversed. A
hardware modification is required in the PK-232 to reverse
the sense of the data at the modem output BEFORE it passes
to the digital section of the unit.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 72
17.2 Phase 3 RTTY Beacon
This option configures the KAM, the MFJ1278 and the PK-232
for receiving the AMSAT-OSCAR 10 and 13 RTTY telemetry
beacons in the following manner.
WI OFF (170 Hz shift) [ KAM : SH 170]
RB 50 (50 baud)
USOS OFF (Unshift on space off)
17.3 SARA 300 Baud ASCII
This option configures the PK-232 for receiving the SARA-
OSCAR 23 ASCII fromat binary telemetry beacon in the
following manner.
AB 300
The transparent mode is necessary due to the way the PK-232,
you will have to exit from the transparent mode with an Alt-
B before exercising any other commands.
17.4 SAREX Menu
This menu is only active in the Packet Communications Mode.
It is designed for use with the Shuttle Amateur Radio
Experiment (SAREX), MIR and the packet radio Microsats or
any terrestrial station you want to connect with as soon as
they appear on frequency. Apart from the Attack Mode, it can
also be used as a diagnostic LAN tool for monitoring LAN
17.4.1 Attack Mode ON/OFF
If the Attack Mode is set, this option will cause LAN-
LINK to issue a connect request to the SAREX Call
whenever a packet sent to or from it is heard. The
mode, is cleared when the connect is made (and does not
retry out) or when the 'A' option is selected a second
time, or when the Alert Call is cleared. If this mode
is enabled, the Alert/SAREX Call prefix shown in the
Status Window will indicate accordingly.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 73
A happy face will be displayed next to the '>' before
the call once the connect has been achieved.
Be careful using this feature, as it has the potential
to cause a great deal of QRM. It can also be cleared by
another station connecting to you and telling you to
':QRT:'. In the SAREX configuration you are listening
on one channel while transmitting on an other. If this
feature was used on a simplex channel (everyone
transmits and listens on the same channel) aimed at a
DX-pedition, there is a potential lockout mode, in
which any one station sending a connect request to the
desired/SAREX call will trigger the other ones on
frequency who will in turn trigger the first. If this
pile up situation occurs, I hope the DX-station will
QSY and leave the automatic stations to do their thing.
IN any event, if you use this feature and cause QRM,
anyone can connect to you with the callsign of the DX
station (as a pirate) and shut you down. You will then
not get the coveted DX QSL.
17.4.2 Change SAREX Call
This option lets you temporarily change the SAREX call.
17.4.3 SAREX Packets Capture to Disk ON/OFF
This option allows you to configure LAN-LINK to capture
to disk any packets addressed to or from the SAREX
callsign. A [S] will be displayed in the status window
when this option is active. The capture to disk file is
opened by a packet header containing the SAREX call,
and closed by another packet header not containing the
call. When the file is open, the [S] will blink. Packet
headers are considered to be lines with a '>' character
in them. LAN-LINK thus considers both of the lines
below as packet headers.
If you use this feature for monitoring BBS traffic, the
BBS prompt lines ('E.G. N4QQ BBS>') will not be
captured to disk. Do not get your SYSOP to remove the
'>' from the prompt line, or the ZAP feature will then
not work.
A happy face will be displayed in the [S] after the
SAREX call has been heard.
If you want to see an ORBITER menu, temporarily change
the SAREX call to be the same as your call and bring up
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 74
17.4.4 Edit SAREX Capture-to-disk File
This option lets you edit the SAREX Capture-to-disk
file as long as it is less than 64 kBytes.
17.4.5 Zap SAREX On/Off
This option combines the 'Set SAREX Attack Mode' and
the 'SAREX Packets Capture to Disk ON/OFF' options in
one fast operation.
17.5 SAREX Orbiter Features
This was the menu as seen by WA4SIR in orbit on STS-35. You
need the SAREX ROBOT EPROM for this menu to actually do
anything to the TNC. The EPROM may be available from The
Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) for DX-pedition
use. Other options which control LAN-LINK parameters may be
used without the SAREX ROBOT EPROM.
In the Orbiter mode, LAN-LINK does not scan incoming text
for the 'CONNECTED' and 'DISCONNECTED' messages when the
SAREX Robot is active. This inhibits the bells and the
capture-to-disk. It also means that the Robot must be OFF
for any :Q: code uploads or downloads to occur.
17.5.1 Status Window Display
A flashing '>>' appears in the status window when the SAREX
robot is active. The SAREX Configuration boots up assuming
that the SAREX Robot is active (Default).
17.5.2 Alt-O Function key.
The Alt-O Function Key brings up the Orbiter menu. This is a
faster route than the 'Esc O' sequence.
17.5.3 The Metabeacon
The Metabeacon is loaded from the contents of one of the
META.00n files. These files may be created by the LAN-LINK
editor. When loading, LAN-LINK will insert a pass character
(^V) into the text before a carriage return, so as not to
end the packet before at least 240 characters, and not more
than 255 characters have been output to the TNC. The maximum
number of characters that can be loaded into the Metabeacon
is 1776. The maximum number of packets in a Metabeacon is 7.
You can also force a hard carriage return or 'end of packet'
in the Metabeacon by inserting the '\' (backslash)
character, which will not be transmitted, into the text.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 75
17.5.4 SAREX Orbiter Menu
The following commands are active in the Orbiter Menu. Activates Beacons/SAREX Robot.
This option activates the SAREX Robot and loads the
Meta Beacon. This command is designed for use when the
SAREX is returned to the regular frequency. Set QRZ/QSL Beacon Interval
This command allows you to change the beacon timer. Set SAREX Call.
This command allows you to change the SAREX call. Don't
use this command on orbit (its for ground use only) Turn SAREX ROBOT OFF
The Robot must be turned On and Off this way to
synchronize LAN-LINK to the TNC. When the Robot is
turned OFF the following commands are sent to the TNC
This command lets you set the Heard Count number. Show I/O Status
Shows who is on each stream, the SAREX Robot state, the
number of USERS, the beacon timer value, the metabeacon
timer value and the CTEXT. ChecK Count
Shows both heard and worked counts. List Heard Calls
Lists calls of the last few stations heard.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 76 Load Metabeacon
This command loads the Metabeacon. You will be prompted
for a text file number in the META.00n series. Enter a
number 1-9 corresponding to META.001-META.009. The 0
value is file META.010. Note the delays after loading
the file to allow the TNC to stabilize. Show Worked Calls
Shows the last 35 or so calls worked. Turn SAREX ROBOT ON
The SAREX Robot must be turned On and Off via the menu.
When the Robot is turned ON the following commands are
sent to the TNC by LAN-LINK.
NO ON Stop Metabeacon
This command stops the Meta beacon. When activated, the
contents of the beacon are dumped to the UNPROTO
address (default SAREX) by the TNC, rather like a
regular BBS dumping packets when a user disconnects
abnormally. Set Metabeacon Interval
This command allows you to set the Meta Beacon timer.
It will be loaded into the TNC the next time that the
Meta Beacon is loaded. Even though loaded into the TNC
immediately, it does not take effect till then. Set SAREX ROBOT Worked Count
Lets you set the starting number. Set Connect TeXt
This is the text (CTEXT) that will be transmitted to an
incoming station when the ROBOT mode is off. This
option lets you set up a new text string to go with the
QSO number.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 77 Selects Silent Mode
This command turns off the beacons, the SAREX Robot and
also stops the Meta beacon. This command is designed to
be used just before any prearranged packet activity. Restart TNC
This command RESTARTs the TNC, loads the date from the
computer's clock and turns the 'EC OFF'. It seems to
have no effect on the SAREX ROBOT and counters, but
does kill the Meta beacon. Capture QSL/QRZ Calls
This command initiates the log-to-disk operation. It
turns the capture-to-disk 'on' and sends the following
commands to the TNC :- 'DA', 'SERW', 'SERH','MW',MH'.
When the calls have stopped scrolling, use Function key
1 to turn the capture-to-disk off.
18.0 Parameter Menu
The Parameter Menu is shown in Figure 18.
The colors used for the option letter differentiate between those
options that are "remembered" in the SYS file and those that are
only set temporarily for the session. Type in the single letter
to make your choice.
Figure 18 The Parameter Menu
╔════════════════════════════PARAMETER MENU════════════════════════════╗
║ B Beacon/Robot Mode is OFF 0 Change Band & Power ║
║ C Clear Connect Count 1 Change BBS Parameters ║
║ D Digipeat Detect is OFF 2 Change Callsigns ║
║ E Command Echo is ON 3 Change Directories ║
║ F BBS Zapp Drop Link is ON 4 Enter Common Calls ║
║ I Packet Beacon Control is ON 5 Change File Names ║
║ L Automatic Ctdsk is ON 6 Change LAN-LINK Parameters ║
║ M Set Message Count 7 Change PC Communications Parameters ║
║ N NODE Drop Link is OFF 8 Change Colors ║
║ P Printer is OFF 9 Change SAREX Parameters ║
║ Q QTC Snatch is ON ║
║ R :QSP: Relay Flag is ON U Update LAN-LINK.SYS ║
║ S Sound is ON V Verify Changes ║
║ T Contest Mode is OFF W Change Scan Words ║
║ X DCD Flag is ON Z Time Id. is OFF ║
║ Y BBS Snatch is ON ! Zapp BBS On Next Beacon is OFF ║
║ + Misc. Flag is OFF ║
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 78
18.1 Turn Beacon Mode ON/OFF
This command toggles the beacon option for the automatic CQ
caller in the AMTOR and Packet Communications Modes. When it
is active a [B] will be displayed in the status window. In
this mode, the Automatic CQ sequence will resume after the
AMTOR link is dropped or a Packet Communications Mode
In the Beacon Mode, the last few logbook entries will be
displayed in the logpage window which overlays the outgoing
text window at the bottom of the screen.
In the Packet Mode, the CTEXT message is the only
transmission from you that the other station will receive,
so make it good and don't forget to set 'CMSG ON'.
In the AMTOR Mailbox/Beacon Mode, the contents of the LAN-
LINK.TXT file will be transmitted to the station who called
you. The capture-to-disk will then be turned on to record
one transmission from that station. The QSO will then be
logged to the logbook file. Don't forget to check the
entries in the logbook and text in the LAN-LINK.RUN files in
case the computer made a mistake in recognizing the call
sign of the other station.
If you are using this Mode in a special event station or DX-
pedition you may type characters into the transmit buffer,
while the other station is sending to you. When he, she or
even it turns it back to you, you will transmit those
characters before the sign-off sequence.
In both the Packet and AMTOR communications modes, the robot
may be shut down by stations connecting to you and telling
you to QRT.
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 79
18.2 Clear Connect Count
You use this option to reset the PACKET and AMTOR Beacon
Mode "connect has taken place indicator" and QTC Snatch
count. These are flashing [C] and [Q] displays in the status
window. Whenever someone else connects or links up to you
the [C] display will be incremented. The number shown with
the 'C' is the number of connects that have taken place
since the Indicator was last reset. If a 'happy face' is
flashing along with the connect count, your "target station"
was amongst those connecting. The [Q] indicator alerts you
to the fact that LAN-LINK tried to connect to another
station after recognizing your call in a mail beacon. Both
are reset by this option. If you are monitoring Packet
traffic on a channel, you may not notice that a connect has
previously taken place. These indicators alert you to check
the contents of the Incoming mail file ('yourcall.OUT') for
any incoming messages.
If the 'Q' count is much greater than the 'C' count you may
be copying a beacon from a station that you cannot connect
with directly.
18.3 Turn Digipeat Detect ON/OFF
This option toggles the digipeat display command on and off.
If the Digipeat Display is active, any signals digipeated
through you will be stored to the LAN-LINK.RUN file and a
'beep' will be sounded for each packet being digipeated. The
status display window will also contain a [D].
18.4 Turn Beacon Control ON/OFF
This option toggles the LAN-LINK Handshake features. When
they are on (default), the Connect handshake message
[ZCZ] *** LAN-LINK 2.00>
will be transmitted on incoming connects. The beacon text
and time will be controlled by LAN-LINK as a function of the
messages you have posted on your system. When they are off,
LAN-LINK does not do anything to your beacon, nor does it
transmit the handshake.
18.5 Turn Command Echo ON/OFF
This option toggles the 'Command ECHO ON/OFF' flag. If the
Command Echo flag is set, the commands and (contents of)
files that LAN-LINK sends to the TNC will be displayed in
the outgoing window. Set this flag to see how LAN-LINK
commands the TNC in the different modes.
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 80
18.6 Change Keyboard Beep Count
LAN-LINK counts the number of characters entered on a line
at the keyboard. When it gets to a preset value it will
beep, signaling you to start a new line. If you have the
Word wrap option set, it will also automatically insert a
"carriage return/line feed" character sequence into the
outgoing text for you. This option changes the value that
the keyboard beep counter is compared with to sound the
audio signal.
18.7 Set Message Count
As an alternative to Function Key 8 (F8) or Alt-D, using
this option will also load a QTC 'Mail' list into your
Packet Communications Mode Beacon and initiate a beacon
transmission every 30 minutes (Refer to the BTEXT command in
the TNC manual). If no messages are present, or the only
message is to you (incoming or snatched), beacon
transmissions are inhibited. This conforms to good operating
practice on crowded Packet channels.
18.8 Turn NODE Drop Link ON/OFF
When connecting via a node, the normal way of operating is
to disconnect if the connect attempt fails. You may
configure the Node connect attempt flag to stay connected at
the node where the failure occurred. Use the normal mode
when trying to get through on a known path, and the stay
alive mode when exploring Node circuits.
18.9 Turn Printer ON/OFF
This option toggles the printer on and off. When the printer
is turned on, any incoming data will be printed in real
time. If you intend to print files received at 1200 baud in
the Packet Communications Mode, use a print spooler or you
may lose data. The printer is automatically turned off in
the Packet Mode when a disconnect occurs.
18.10 Turn QTC Snatch ON/OFF
This option toggles the QTC Snatch flag on and off. If the
QTC Snatch flag is enabled, LAN-LINK scans the contents of
packets appearing in the Inwindow on the screen while the
terminal is disconnected. Should it recognize the three text
strings 'LAN-LINK', ':QTC:', and 'your callsign' in the
contents of a packet, it will then issue a connect request
to the callsign of the LAN-LINK station that originated the
beacon transmission. If the connect is made, the other
station will send you the message automatically which LAN-
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 81
LINK will "capture to disk". The connect will time out and
terminate a few minutes later.
The normal connect request will be made DIRECT to the
station. If you expect messages from stations you can only
connect with via a digipeater, place the path in your LAN-
LINK.DIR directory file. It should be there anyhow if you
connect to the station regularly. For example, if you expect
messages from 4Z4ZB whom you can only work if digipeated via
4X1AA then place an entry like
in the LAN-LINK.DIR file.
The QTC Snatch leaves your messages in a message file
<yourcall>.OUT. It is triggered by the first > in the
initial connect response of LAN-LINK 1.59R> (note the '>')
and terminated by the 'over' at the end of the message ea.
G3ZCZ/W8> (note the '>'). If you train stations not using
LAN-LINK who want to leave you messages to trigger your QTC-
Snatch, by transmitting the following un-addressed packet
LAN-LINK :QTC: <yourcall>
your system will connect to them. (For example to leave a
message for me, they would send
as an un-addressed packet [in Converse Mode when not
connected, or in their beacon text].)
If they then send you a '>' on a line by itself, followed by
the message itself, and terminated by another '>' as the
last character of the line, the message will end up in a
message file rather than in the LAN-LINK.RUN file and you
can scan it fast using Alt-M (Message Scan Menu Options). It
goes without saying that the message itself should not
contain the '>' character. If it does, by the way, the first
part of the message will be in the message file, while the
remainder will be in the LAN-LINK.RUN file.
18.11 Turn :QSP: Relay Flag ON/OFF
This option toggles the Store and forward Message Relay
Capability of your system on and off. If the Message Relay
Capability is active (toggled on), any one who connects can
store a message in your system using the ':QSP: <callsign>'
NC/L command. If the Message Relay Capability is not active
anyone who attempts to ':QSP: a message' will receive a
':QNO: 1' "error" message. The status display window will
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 82
show a [R] when the Message Relay Capability is active. The
default state for the Message Relay Capability is loaded
from the LAN-LINK.SYS file.
When the Store and forward capability is active, the suffix
'R' will be added to the
'[ZCZ] *** LAN-LINK 2.00' ea., '[ZCZ] *** LAN-LINK 2.00R'
message received by anyone connecting to your system to
notify them that they can store messages. In this manner
they don't have to try to leave a message and then get
':QNO:' error message to find out that the feature is
toggled off.
Remember, if you configure your computer to store and
forward messages, you have a moral obligation to deliver
18.12 Turn Sound ON/OFF
This option toggles the sound on and off. If the sound is
off, a flashing indicator will be displayed in the Status
Window. When the sound is toggled on again, a chime will
sound to verify the audio.
18.13 Turn Contest Mode ON/OFF
This option first toggles the Contest Mode. If the Contest
Mode is active, the word 'TEST' and the number of the next
QSO will be displayed in the status window. When the Contest
Mode is toggled on, this command then prompts you to set the
starting QSO number and the standard message that will be
transmitted as part of the exchange of messages during a
contest. The QSO number will be incremented each time you
log a contact.
The contest feature is toggled off the next time you select
this feature.
Note that while these features do give you some
semiautomatic contest operation by using command keys, there
is no checking of callsigns for duplicates built into the
program. You may do that by using the Alt-S hot key.
In a contest, you enter the callsigns and call the other
station in the normal manner, then use the 'End' Key to
transmit the exchange (QSO number and standard text). LAN-
LINK will only transmit the contest text in this manner. If
you want to add a 'K' or 'KN', you will need to put it in
the contest text string. It is also advisable to use a
different log file for each contest to cut down the search
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 83
time. The contest QSO number increments each time you log
the QSO (Alt-L).
You may put the Contest Mode into automatic if you are
operating AMTOR or packet. To do so, use the Alt-O function
The following special character sequences can be entered in
the contest text string.
18.13.1 '##',
A '##' will be replaced by the QSO number when the text
is transmitted.
18.13.2 '#1'
A '#1' will be replaced by the callsign of the station
being worked in the contest text string. 18.13.2 '#T'
18.13.3 '#T'
'#T' will be replaced by the date and time as read from
the PC time-of-day clock and converted to Universal
Coordinated Time (UTC). A sample time text is '03-Mar-
92 03:13'.
For example, use the following entries for the
following contests;
'##1 UR ##A' ... in the Sweepstakes,
'5905' ... in the WAZ,
'59 MD' ... in the ARRL DX, and
'59 ##' ... in the WPX.
As an example, if I (W3/G3ZCZ) was in the Sweepstakes
contest, and my Contest text line was,
'##1 UR ##A W3/G3ZCZ 68 MDC'.
If the next QSO number is 345, and I am working KW3C,
LAN-LINK would transmit the following line when I
touch the 'End' key;
'KW3C UR 345A W3/G3ZCZ 68 MDC'.
18.14 Turn DCD Flag ON/OFF
If you are using a PK-232 then this flag should be set to
ON. If you are using a KAM, this flag should be set to OFF.
If you are using another TNC, if you can jumper the TNC so
that pin 8 on the RS-232 interface changes state when
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 84
connected, do so and set this flag to ON. If you can't, then
set this flag to OFF. If this flag is OFF, the multiple
connect modes will not work so don't attempt to invoke them.
If this flag is OFF, the words '*** CONNECTED' and '***
DISCONNECTED' when seen in the LAN may cause spurious
apparent connects and disconnects in LAN-LINK.
18.15 Turn BBS Snatch ON/OFF
If the BBS Mail Snatch is enabled, when a BBS sends a packet
announcing 'Mail', if your callsign is in the first line of
that message, LAN-LINK will issue a connect request (again
via the path in LAN-LINK.DIR) to that BBS. When connected,
it will act as if you have initiated a ZapBBS command. The
Zap counter will be incremented each time a BBS Mail Snatch
takes place.
Note if the BBS Mail beacon has an extra line in it (between
the header and the list of calls) as follows, the BBS Mail
snatch will not work.
If a message is posted for any call containing the character
string "N4FG" such as N4FGA, N4FG will respond to the
message. This gives rise to a lock out situation, because
N4FG will respond to the beacon, go through the sequence
described in the Zapbbs section and disconnect. The beacon
message will not be cleared because it was not read, so the
next mail beacon from the BBS will contain the call N4FGA,
and N4FG will once again respond to it.
Should you be unlucky and happen to be in this situation,
disable the BBS Snatch flag and set a Periodic Event to Zap
your BBS sometime in the middle of the night. Alternatively,
when you come into the shack and the BBS is in use, set the
'Zap BBS on Next Mail Beacon' parameter to ON.
18.16 Turn Time Id ON/OFF
This option allows you to determine if the callsign sequence
transmitted using Function key 3 (F3) will contain a
date/time stamp. If the Id. is set ON a date/time stamp will
be transmitted.
18.17 Turn Automatic Capture-to-Disk Flag ON/OFF
This option allows you to turn the automatic capture-to-disk
feature ON and OFF.
18.18 Change BBS Parameters
This sub-menu allows you to change the BBS Parameters, as
described in the following paragraphs.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 85
18.18.1 Local BBS Callsign
This option lets you change the call of the local BBS.
This is the call that LAN-LINK will show in the prompt
for the 'Zap' command.
18.18.2 Mail-Snatch Trigger Word
You can set the Mail-Snatch Trigger in the BBS Mail
beacon. Most BBS's use word 'Mail' and a string of
calls to indicate the presence of messages. If your BBS
uses something else, you may customize LAN-LINK on this
line to tell it what word your BBS uses.
Note that if your BBS uses 'QTC' you may end up calling
yourself if you disconnect while traffic is flowing on
the LAN.
18.18.3 Read Request Command
This is the command LAN-LINK issues to the BBS during a
Zap sequence to request your mail. The default value is
RM for Read Mine. On a WA7MBL BBS you may change it to
VM for a Verbose Read of the full packet headers. On a
W0RLI BBS you may change it to RN to only request new
messages. If you do change it, use the 'V' option in
the Parameters Menu to make sure it is correct. If it
isn't correct, the Zap BBS feature will not work.
18.18.4 Read Bulletin Request Command
This is the command LAN-LINK issues to the BBS during a
Zap sequence to read bulletins identified by the scan
words. The default value is R for Read. On a WA7MBL BBS
you may change it to V for a Verbose Read of the full
packet headers. On a W0RLI BBS you may change it to RH.
18.18.5 BBS Subject String
When you enter a message into a BBS, you fist use the
'S' command. the BBS then sends you a reply asking you
for some information about the BBS; typically the
subject of the message. When you have entered the
subject, the BBS then asks you for the rest of the
message. This line is used in the Zap sequence and is a
unique word seen in the text that the BBS sends you
asking for the subject.
18.18.6 BBS Message String
When you enter a message into a BBS, you fist use the
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 86
'S' command. the BBS then sends you a reply asking you
for some information about the BBS; typically the
subject of the message. When you have entered the
subject, the BBS then asks you for the rest of the
message. This line is used in the Zap sequence and is a
unique word seen in the text that the BBS sends you
asking for the text of the message.
18.19 Change Callsigns
This sub-menu allows you to change the Callsign and AMTOR
SELCAL, as described in the following paragraphs.
18.19.1 Callsign
The default callsign is G8BTB. Please do not use G8BTB.
Replace G8BTB with yours. You may use / characters if
you wish. This is the call sign that will be used in
the non packet modes. You may thus use "portable
designators" such as G3ZCZ/A, G3ZCZ/W3, W3/G3ZCZ or
G3ZCZ/4X, which you cannot do in Packet.
This is the call that will be monitored for in the
Digipeat Monitoring Mode. In this Mode, which is
toggled on and off by the selection of the D Option
included in the Parameter Menu (PK-232 only), if
someone uses you as a digipeater while you are not
connected to anyone else, the event will be logged to
disk. This Mode will only work if your callsign as
stored in this line is a valid (uppercase only) packet
For example, in the PK-232, if the callsign is G3ZCZ
then the sequence >G3ZCZ> will be recognized as a
digipeat and the event logged. Thus 4X6AA*>G3ZCZ>4Z4ZB
would be logged as a digipeat event.
Store your callsign using UPPERCASE characters if you
want the DIGIPEAT DETECT option to work (EA. G3ZCZ). If
you use lower case (ea. g3zcz), recognition will never
take place. The TNC automatically converts case to
upper case in the non packet communications modes.
If you are using an SSID (e.g. G3ZCZ-8) in the Packet
Communications Mode, you should enter the whole call
18.19.2 The SELCAL
This is your AMTOR SELCAL. LAN-LINK will try to guess
it and prompt you with a SELCAL configured for your
callsign. If you want a different one, overwrite the
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 87
prompted version.
If you are not using a PK-232 or KAM or the MFJ1278,
you don't have to change anything, but the SELCAL line
must still be in the Configuration file.
18.19.3 The PacketCluster Call
This option allows you to change the PacketCluster Call
without connecting to it.
18.20 Change Directories
This sub-menu allows you to change the Directories used by
LAN-LINK, as described in the following paragraph.
18.20.1 Capture-to-disk files Directory
This is the drive and directory that LAN-LINK will put
the *.RUN capture-to-disk files. Note: the last '\'
MUST be present if you are using different
18.20.2 QBM Download Directory
This is the directory the :QBM: command will search to
find a file to be downloaded. The default value is
\LAN-LINK\FILES\. Set them up using DOS. If you are
using a hard disk, put LAN-LINK in a LAN-LINK
subdirectory. Note: that last '\' MUST be present.
18.21 Enter Common Calls
Each time you call another station, LAN-LINK remembers it
(up to the last 16). When you update the SYS file, these
calls that you use most commonly will be saved to disk. You
can use this option to add calls, delete calls or edit calls
in the list. Use the 'Delete' key to delete a call.
18.22 Change File Names
This sub-menu allows you to change the default file names
used by LAN-LINK, as described in the following paragraphs.
18.22.1 VHF Logbook File (VHF.DBF)
This is the name of the file to be used as your VHF
Packet logbook.
18.22.2 HF Logbook File (HF.DBF)
This is the name of the file to be used as your HF
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 88
logbook. It is used for all HF modes, including HF
18.22.3 Path Directory File (LAN-LINK.DIR)
This is the name of the file used as your call
18.22.4 Brag Tape (LAN-LINK.TXT)
This is the name of the file used as your brag tape.
18.22.5 QBU Upload File Name (QBU-TX.BAT)
This is the name of the batch file used to initiate a
18.22.6 QBU Download File Name (QBU-RX.BAT)
This is the name of the batch file used when a :QBU:
command is received from a remote station.
18.23 Change LAN-LINK Parameters
This sub-menu allows you to change the LAN-LINK Parameters,
as described in the following paragraphs.
18.23.1 Change CQ Text
This feature allows you to change the contents of the
CQ text message string. This is the message string that
is transmitted along with the CQ call. Think of this
message as a CQTEXT line.
18.23.2 Set CQ delay time Seconds
This option allows you to change the time (seconds)
that the LAN-LINK waits for a response after a CQ call
until the following one is transmitted. The default
value (in minutes and seconds) is loaded from the LAN-
LINK.SYS file.
18.23.3 Set CQ delay time Minutes
This option allows you to change the time (minutes)
that the LAN-LINK waits for a response after a CQ call
until the following one is transmitted. The default
value (in minutes and seconds) is loaded from the LAN-
LINK.SYS file.
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 89
18.23.4 Set Connect time timeout (Minutes)
This option allows you to change the time (minutes)
that the LAN-LINK waits for a response in a packet
connect before issuing a Disconnect command. The
default value is loaded from the LAN-LINK.SYS file.
18.23.5 Set Number of lines in a Non Contest CQ Call
This option allows you to change the number of lines in
a CQ call from the default value of 3 to any number you
wish. Note that in the contest mode, this option has no
effect. The default value is loaded from the LAN-
LINK.SYS file.
18.23.6 Keyboard Beep Character Count
When your typing at the keyboard gets to a point where
you may overrun the normal line length, LAN-LINK issues
a beep to remind you to touch the 'Enter' key. This
option allows you to change the number of characters
you can type in a line before the beep sounds. Note the
beep will not sound if the sound flag is inhibited.
18.23.7 Word Wrap Mode
This option allows you to change the word wrap mode. It
is really more of a "force carriage return" parameter,
rather than 'word wrap'. There are four options as
follows: Off
Word wrap is off. AutoCR
LAN-LINK will insert an 'Enter' character for you
into the outgoing text when you enter the first
space character after the beep has sounded. Word
LAN-LINK will hold all entered text until you
either type a space character or touch the 'Enter'
key. At that time LAN-LINK will send the word to
the TNC. Line
LAN-LINK will hold all entered text until you
either touch the 'Enter' key or the beep sounds.
At that time LAN-LINK will send the word to the
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 90
Set this parameter value as follows,
0 = OFF,
1 = AutoCR,
2 = Word,
3 = Line.
18.23.8 Set Shut Down Mode (QRT Flag)
This option allows you to customize the shut down
sequence of the TNC. You have the choice of QRT, QRV
and QRV + CTEXT Toggle as described in the following
sections. QRT
Turns the TNC into a VHF Digipeater and turns
CONOK OFF (CFROM NONE for the PK-232). In this
condition the TNC will reject connect requests. QRV
Allows you to stay alive on turnoff. It will send
MON OFF (MON 0 for the PK-232) to the TNC at
shutdown without touching CONOK/CFROM {PK-232},
and at turn on. You will then have to initialize
the terminal and Communications Mode after reading
your mail. Connects should then be logged at the
time you read the mail, not at the time they took
This is the same as the QRV state but CMSG is
toggled on/off. When stations connect to you while
LAN-LINK is active, they will not receive the
CTEXT message. When other stations connect to you
while LAN-LINK is not active, they will receive
the CTEXT message BBS
This option lets you activate the PBBS in the TNC
when you close LAN-LINK. It inhibits the PBBS when
you bring LAN-LINK up the next time. SOLO
This option puts the TNC in the SOLO mode when you
shut down, so as not to fill the buffer in the
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 91
This option combines the two previous ones.
Set this parameter value as follows,
0 = QRT,
1 = QRV,
2 = QRV + CMSG toggle,
3 = BBS,
4 = SOLO, and
18.23.9 Set Default Users
This option allows you to set the maximum number of
multiple users that can be connected to your TNC at the
same time, and to configure the default start up mode
of the program. If this parameter is set to 1, LAN-LINK
will configure itself to the single user mode, and set
the maximum number of users to 9. If this parameter is
set to any number other that 1, LAN-LINK will assume
that value to be the maximum number of allowed
connects, and configure itself in the Multiple user
Mode (equivalent to the TNC Menu Option 0).
18.23.10 Set UTC Offset
This parameter contains the difference in hours between
UTC and your local time. For example, if you are
located on the east coast of the USA, and it is winter,
you are in the EST which is 5 hours behind UTC. In this
case, the value of the UTC Offset parameter is 5.
Don't forget to change this when the clocks are
adjusted each spring and autumn.
18.23.11 VHF Packet Length
This option allows you to change the default VHF packet
length. The TNC has a maximum permisible value of 255.
Set the parameter to 127 or 255.
18.23.12 HF Packet Length
This option allows you to change the default HF packet
length. The default value of about 30 seems to be
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 92
18.23.13 Beacon time
This option allows you to change the default beacon
time. The KAM requires a value in minutes, all other
TNCs in tens of seconds. Use good operating practice
and don't beacon too often. Every 30 minutes on a well
used channel is more than enough.
18.23.14 Custom Prompt before 'Over'
This option allows you to add a word or two (up to 20
characters) before the '>' in packet or the '+?' in
AMTOR. If you are working an AMTOR APLINK BBS, clear
this by changing it to a space character.
18.24 Change PC Communications Parameters
This sub-menu allows you to change the Communications
Parameters between the PC and the TNC, as described in the
following paragraphs.
18.24.1 The Communications Port
This is the default Communications port. The default
value is 1. You may set it at any value between 1 and
4. If you only have one serial port in your PC, set the
parameter to '1' even if your card is configured as
Com2. LAN-LINK will ALWAYS assume Com1 for a single
card. If you use a different port instead of Com1, and
plan to do binary transfers, don't forget to customize
the QZ*.BAT files.
If you set the port number to 0, LAN-LINK will not
accept or transmit any character to the serial port.
All other features will work.
The default Com3 and Com4 default PC port values are as
Port Address IRQ
Com3 3E8 4
Com4 2E8 3
18.24.2 The Terminal Baud Rate
This Parameter tells LAN-LINK what baud rate the TNC is
set to. This is the baud rate on the RS-232 line
between the TNC and the computer. Valid baud rates for
LAN-LINK are 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19,200. If
you specify something else LAN-LINK will default to
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 93
You may experience problems when using baud rates
greater than 1200. It depends on the CPU clock rate,
any TSR's in the PC and the I/O card in the PC. LAN-
LINK scans the incoming text constantly, something
which requires time. My PK-232, when used with my XT
Clone at 10MHz, does not like baud rates faster than
2400, and sometimes not even that. The PK-232 seems to
drop the first character of some lines at 4800 baud.
Use 1200 until you have tested and are sure that a
faster one will work.
This program has been tested on a TNC2 and an MFJ1278
using a terminal baud rate of 9600 baud and worked
correctly. It also works correctly with a KAM at 2400
If you use a different rate instead of 1200, and plan
to do binary transfers, don't forget to customize the
QZ*.BAT files.
18.24.3 TNC Data Bits
You can set the number of data bits on the RS-232 line
between the computer and TNC to 7 or 8. Use 7 with a
TNC 2 if you have problems with Greek characters.
Set this value to either 7 or 8.
18.24.4 TNC Parity
Use this parameter to set the Parity bit on the RS-232
line between the computer and TNC as described below.
Enter the letter. Note: This is not the parity in the
N = None, O = Odd, E = Even, M = Mark, S = Space.
18.24.5 Number of TNC Stop Bits
You can set the number of stop bits on the RS-232 line
between the computer and the TNC to 1 or 2. Use 1 at
all terminal (not packet) baud rates except 300.
Set this value to 1 or 2.
18.25 Change Colors
This option lets you change the default colors. A display of
all of the combinations is shown on the left side of the
screen. You will then be prompted to sequence through each
window/message color that can be customized. Enter the
number shown in the combination window followed by the
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 94
'Enter' key to set a value. If you don't wish to make a
change, just press the 'Enter' Key.
The following identifications are made to the color choices:
18.25.1 OutWindow Color
This is the color of the text (typed at the keyboard)
in the outgoing window.
18.25.2 StatusWindow Color
This is the color of the Status Window.
18.25.3 PromptWindow Color
This is the color of most of the menus.
18.25.4 LogWindow Color
This is the color of the text in the log window.
18.25.5 InWindow Color
This is the color of the text in the window showing the
incoming characters.
18.25.6 ScrollBackWindow color
This is the color of the text in the Scroll back
18.25.7 MHWindow Color
This is the color of the text in the monitor heard
calls (MH) window.
18.25.8 Alarmwindow Color
This is the color of the text in the Error and Alarm
18.25.9 BottomWindow Color
This is the color of the text in the prompt line at the
bottom of the screen.
18.25.10 Emphasis Color
This is the color of the emphasized text in the Menu
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 95
18.25.11 Prompt Color
This is the color of the prompt text in the Menu
18.25.12 Option Color
This is the color of selected option text in the Menu
18.25.13 Connected Text Color
This is the color of the text in the incoming window
when connected in the packet communications modes.
18.25.14 Computer Color
This is the color of the computer generated text in the
outgoing window when the Command Echo Flag option is
18.25.15 VHF Header Color
This is the color of the VHF Header lines in the
Incoming window when not connected.
18.25.16 HF Header Color
This is the color of the HF Header lines in the
Incoming window when not connected.
18.25.17 Alert Call Color
This is the color of the packet header lines containing
the Alert call in the Incoming window when not
connected. It is also the color of the non-permanent
Parameter Menu prompts.
18.25.18 Outgoing Text Color
This is the color of the outgoing text echoed in the
Incoming window in the AMTOR Communications Mode.
18.25.19 Multi I/O Stream Color[1]
This is the color of the text lines in the Incoming
window in the Multiconnect Mode when connected to I/O
stream 1.
18.25.20 Multi I/O Stream Color[2]
This is the color of the text lines in the Incoming
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 96
window in the Multiconnect Mode when connected to I/O
stream 2.
18.25.21 Multi I/O Stream Color[3]
This is the color of the text lines in the Incoming
window in the Multiconnect Mode when connected to I/O
stream 3.
18.25.22 Multi I/O Stream Color[4]
This is the color of the text lines in the Incoming
window in the Multiconnect Mode when connected to I/O
stream 4.
18.25.23 Multi I/O Stream Color[5]
This is the color of the text lines in the Incoming
window in the Multiconnect Mode when connected to I/O
stream 5.
18.25.24 Multi I/O Stream Color[6]
This is the color of the text lines in the Incoming
window in the Multiconnect Mode when connected to I/O
stream 6.
18.25.25 Multi I/O Stream Color[7]
This is the color of the text lines in the Incoming
window in the Multiconnect Mode when connected to I/O
stream 7.
18.25.26 Multi I/O Stream Color[8]
This is the color of the text lines in the Incoming
window in the Multiconnect Mode when connected to I/O
stream 8.
18.25.27 Multi I/O Stream Color[9]
This is the color of the text lines in the Incoming
window in the Multiconnect Mode when connected to I/O
stream 9.
18.25.28 Multi I/O Stream Color[10]
This is the color of the text lines in the Incoming
window in the Multiconnect Mode when connected to I/O
stream 10.
NOTE that LAN-LINK does not overwrite all existing windows.
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 97
Thus if you want to be sure of seeing the changed colors,
save the color changes using the Update option, and then
exit from and reload LAN-LINK.
18.26 Change SAREX Parameters
This sub-menu allows you to change the SAREX Ground Station
parameters, as described in the following paragraphs.
18.26.1 SAREX CallSign
This is the callsign of the SAREX station.
18.26.2 Change SAREX Capture to Disk File
This option lets you change the name of the SAREX
Capture-to-disk file. Don't change file names while
capture-to-disk is in progress (flashing [S] in the
status window), or the old one will stay open and may
not close properly when LAN-LINK is terminated,
resulting in data loss.
18.27 Update Configuration File
Use this option to save the changes (permanently) in the
configuration file (LAN-LINK.SYS). Activate it twice to see
most of the changes.
18.28 Verify Changes
This feature lets you display how LAN-LINK was configured by
the LAN-LINK.SYS file. It also displays the state of any
flags you have set/reset if they are not already shown in
the Status window or Parameter Menu. YOU SHOULD USE IT AFTER
18.29 Change Scan Words
In the ZAP BBS feature you can ask the program to scan the
lines read from the BBS and if it sees any of the scan words
in the line, it will queue a request for that bulletin by
number. You can only set 16 such Scan words (should be
enough) and request up to 255 messages/bulletins at a time.
Use the 'Delete' key to delete a word from the list.
NOTE that words that show up in the BBS prompt line are
ILLEGAL. For example if your BBS prompts you with
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 98
then 'N4QQ' and 'BBS' should not be used as Scan Words.
18.30 Turn Misc. Flag ON/OFF
The Miscellaneous Flag performs several different functions
in the different Communications modes as follows.
18.30.1 All Modes:- Debug or state-sequence numbers
Shows debug or state-sequence numbers in left hand
corner of the status window. These are used to figure
out what went wrong in the automatic sequences.
18.30.2 BAUDOT Mode:- Navy MARS Protocol Verify
When the flag is set, and the BAUDOT Navy MARS option
is enabled, the character string ':CR:' will be
displayed in the outgoing window each time a carriage
return character is received in the incoming window.
Similarly, every time a line feed character is
received, a ':LF:' will be displayed in the incoming
You may use this feature to verify that another station
is sending files using the correct protocol. If you do,
make sure that you tell the PK-232 not to add a line
feed to incoming carriage returns by setting 'ALFD OFF'
in the Command Mode. You will have to set 'ALFD ON'
again when you change communications modes or all
incoming lines will overwrite each other.
18.31 Change Band/Mode
This option is used to set the band and radio mode without
invoking the Log Menu. You use it when changing bands on hf.
18.32 Zap BBS on Next Mail Beacon
This parameter causes LAN-LINK to Zap your local BBS next
time it beacons with a list of calls for which it has Mail.
It is the same as the option described in Section 7.13.
18.33 BBS Zap, Don't Disconnect After Sequence
This parameter stops LAN-LINK from issuing the automatic
disconnect when the Zap sequence is over. You can set it
during the Zap sequence. Use it to stop the disconnect if
the sequence gets out of sync with the messages, or if there
is something interesting you wish to do to the BBS. This
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 99
parameter resets when the Zap sequence terminates.
19.0 Q Codes [NC/L]
This option displays help information about the use of the
Network Communications Language (NC/L) "Q" codes.
20.0 Communications Modes
This menu allows you to change the communications mode of the
TNC. If your TNC hardware cannot support those modes, don't
bother to try them. This is software not hardware, and in spite
of what people tell you, software can't do everything. The
communications modes shown in Figure 20 are available.
Type in the single letter to make your choice. While the KAM
ports are set, and the MFJ-1278 ports are defaulted in LAN-LINK
(1 = VHF, 2 = HF), don't forget that YOU HAVE to select the
correct Radio port on the PK-232.
Figure 20 PK-232 Communications Mode Menu
╔═════════PK232 COMMUNICATIONS MODE═════════╗
║ C MORSE (CW) ║
This is the 1200 baud VHF Packet Mode. LAN-LINK will
optimize the TNC link parameters for this mode.
This is the 300 baud HF Packet Mode. LAN-LINK will optimize
the TNC link parameters for this Mode.
This is the ASCII RTTY Mode. LAN-LINK will configure the TNC
parameters for this Mode at 110 baud.
This is the BAUDOT RTTY Mode. LAN-LINK will configure the
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 100
TNC parameters for this Mode at 45 baud.
20.5 MORSE (CW)
This is the CW Mode. LAN-LINK will configure the TNC
parameters for this Mode at the default CW speed (20 for the
PK-232 and MFJ-1278, 10 wpm for the KAM).
In this Mode the ALT-D Key will disengage the receive speed
lock inside the PK-232 to facilitate locking onto another
signal and Function Key 8 (F8) will turn the transmitter
LAN-LINK has a flag that lets you configure it to set the
XMITOK parameter in the PK-232 to "OFF" when you enter the
CW communications mode, and turn it "ON" again when you call
up any other communication mode FROM THE COMMUNICATIONS
When you select the AMTOR Standby Mode you are placed into
the 'Standby Receive' Mode. If you are in AMTOR Standby
Mode, you will not be able to display signals of the
Chirpcopy Mode (which means that you will not be able to
display a QSO in progress).
The Alt-D Key or Function Key 8 (F8) toggles between the
AMTOR ARQ and the ALIST communications modes.
20.7 AMTOR (ALIST [chirpcopy])
If you want to read the mail on an existing AMTOR QSO in
progress, select the AMTOR ALIST or Chirpcopy Mode.
The Alt-D key or Function key 8 (F8) toggles between the
AMTOR ARQ and the ALIST communications modes.
Use the 'G' option to select the 'SIGNAL' Mode. Read the PK-
232 documentation carefully to understand how this mode
works. Once the PK-232 has identified the digital signal it
is tuned to, use the Communications Mode Select Menu a
second time to select the relevant mode and then set the
baud rates and shift to display the data if necessary.
Use the 'N' option to select the 'NAVTEX Mode. Read the TNC
documentation carefully to understand how this Mode works.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 101
21.0 Terminal Mode Menu
This menu allows you to set the Terminal Configuration Mode. The
Terminal Menu provides different choices depending on which
communications mode you have selected.
21.1 Packet Terminal Menu
The Packet Terminal Mode of operation will be shown in the
Status window at the top of the screen. If you are reading
the mail on a station, the callsign of that station will be
shown next to the word "MAIL". If you are connected to
someone, the call (and path) will be shown prefixed by the
"*>" sequence.
In the Packet Communications Mode, you are presented with
the choices shown in Figure 21.1. Type in the single letter
to make your choice.
Figure 21.1 PK-232 Packet Terminal Menu
╔══════PK232 PACKET MENU═══════╗
║ B Change Packet Baud Rate ║
║ C CQ/Beacons ║
║ E Everything ║
║ I Information ║
║ L Turn MCON ON ║
║ M Read the Mail ║
║ O Turn Meta Beacon ON ║
║ S Just My Station (Solo) ║
║ T All Traffic ║
║ 0 Multiple User Connects ║
║ F Turn Conference ON ║
21.1.1 Change Packet Baud Rate
In the PACKET Mode you may change the RF baud rate
between 300, 600, 1200 and 2400 baud.
21.1.2 CQ/Beacons
In this Mode, you will see CQ and BEACON packets on the
channel. (This corresponds to 'MONITOR 1'on the PK-
232). This Mode only works on the PK-232 and the KAM.
21.1.3 Everything
You can set the TRAFFIC Mode to 'Everything'. It
corresponds to 'MONITOR 6' on the PK-232.
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 102
21.1.4 Read the Mail
You can read the mail on a BBS or other station and get
bulletins without connecting to that station yourself.
You use this Mode to do so. You will be prompted for
the call whose packets you wish to monitor. Remember to
enter the call of the station sending the packets, not
the call of the one receiving them. This mode only
works without showing the packet headers on the PK-232.
On the other TNCs the headers will also be displayed.
You can also use this command to monitor both sides
(read the mail) on a QSO on a busy packet channel.
You may want to turn the Digipeat Data Display Mode off
when reading the mail.
21.1.5 Just My Station (Solo)
In this Mode, you will only see messages addressed to
you. You will only get messages from people who connect
to you.
21.1.6 All Traffic
In this Mode you will see all of the data packet
traffic on channel. You can use this Mode to check that
the TNC is working.
21.1.7 Information Packets
In this Mode you will see all of the packet traffic on
channel that contain information. You can use this Mode
to check that the TNC is working.
21.1.8 Single User Connects
This is the normal one-on-one Mode of operation ('USERS
21.1.9 Multiple User Connects
When you are in a Multiple Connect Mode, an asterisk
will be shown in the status window next to the word
'PACKET'. Each I/O stream will show up in the Inwindow
in a different color.
LAN-LINK supports two multiple connect modes,
Individual and Conference.
An extract of an actual 'off the air' CRT display
(showing received text only) in a multi-user mode is
shown below. Note each line of text as received by the
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 103
TNC is prefixed (by the PK-232) with the I/O channel
number and callsign of the station its connected to.
1:4X4IL: *** CONNECTED to 4X4IL via 4X4IC, 4X6JP
0:4X4IC: joe do u read?
2:4Z4ZB: *** CONNECTED to 4Z4ZB
1:4X4IL: Look for me on PR via 4X6JP 73s and Shalom.
1: *** DISCONNECTED: 4X4IL via 4X4IC, 4X6JP
This is the normal Multiconnect Mode as described in
the TNC manual. Here you are connected to up to 10
stations and will send different traffic to each of
them. Each time you wish to send something to a
particular station, you must select the I/O channel the
station is connected on before typing the text or
sending the file.
The stream change character for all TNCs in the VHF
multiple connect modes is '|' ($7C). In the KAM, it is
'\' on HF and '|' on VHF. They are both on the same key
but one is in the shift case. Be careful on HF as the
'\' shows up in file directories and confuses the
computer. These values can be customized. However to do
so, they must be customized both in LAN-LINK and in the
TNC at the same time.
You select the I/O channel using the Alt-N key and
moving the cursor to the desired stream, or by typing
the '|' character followed by (in the TNC) the channel
letter/number. For example to do it manually, if you
are connected to G8BTB on I/O channel 0 and to G3ZCZ on
I/O channel 1, then to talk to G8BTB you would type
'|0' before any text, and similarly to send something
to G3ZCZ you would type a '|1' before the text you're
going to send me. If you are not using a PK-232, read
the TNC manual to determine if the I/O streams are
identified by numbers or by letters. The TNC2 standard
configuration uses letters (|A etc.).
Use the Alt-N key and move the cursor up and down to
select the I/O channel automatically.
21.1.10 Conference
In the Conference Mode on the other hand, everything
that you type at the keyboard is automatically
transmitted to each station that you are connected
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 104
with. Thus if you are linked to two stations each line
will be packeted twice by the TNC. You don't have to
worry about sending the wrong thing to the wrong
person, as they will all get the stuff.
You enter this Mode by selecting the 'F' option in the
Terminal Menu. You terminate this Mode by selecting the
'1' option.
You connect in the usual manner using Alt-C or the
Connect Option in the Call Menu. You MUST WAIT FOR A
attempting to connect to the next station. If you do
not, you will get an error message back from the TNC.
In the Conference Mode, as the same text is transmitted
on all I/O channels, the throughput will be reduced.
Slow down your typing speed or use short packets.
Should you check the link status or call monitored
list, you may not be able to get back into the Converse
Mode if you have too many packets outstanding. If that
happens, wait a while and then try to set the Converse
Mode with Function Key 10 (F10). You may have to try it
a few times, depending on how good your links are.
The Conference Mode will only work in the PK-232 if
DCDCONN is set to ON. So if you are using a PK-232,
LAN-LINK will do it for you when you enter the
Conference Terminal Mode in case you forgot or/and
haven't set the LAN-LINK.SYS file to include the line
'DCD ON'. At the same time set LAN-LINK.SYS default
states to show the calls of other stations on each
incoming line in the Multiconnect modes (read the TNC
manual on how to do this).
The Conference Mode will only work in the TNC2 if
DCDCONN is jumpered so that Pin 8 of the RS-232
Interface changes state when you connect to someone
else. If you get error messages and see the characters
'|J' on your screen, then the jumper probably isn't
The Conference Mode does not work on the TNC1. In the
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 105
Conference Mode, if any one of the stations
disconnects, the TNC will return to the Command Mode,
and you must use Function Key 10 (F10) to return to the
Converse Mode before you type another character of
21.1.10 Conference Bridge On/Off
This option toggles the Conference Bridge on and off.
In the Bridge Multiconnect Mode you are acting as a
central switch. You can link together up to 10 stations
in one multi-way connection. In this Mode any packets
arriving on any stream are echoed to all other streams
that you have 'connects' on except the one that they
came in on. Anything you type will be sent to all
connected streams.
In this manner, all stations will not see their own
text echoed back. Each line of text output by LAN-LINK
in this Mode will contain the callsign of the station
originating the packet. Your packets will contain your
call as entered in line 1 of the LAN-LINK.SYS file.
Thus for example, if your call was KB8RP/4X and
normally shows up in the packet header as KB8RP here it
will show in the data as KB8RP/4X.
Just remember that the Bridge puts out a lot of
packets, so do multi-way connects on a quiet frequency.
You must be in the Conference Mode to turn the bridge
on, and any disconnect will take the bridge down.
Should that happen, toggle it on again. A bridge will
be shown in the status window whenever the Conference
Bridge is up.
21.1.11 Turn Metabeacon On/Off
This option lets you turn the LAN-LINK Metabeacon On
and Off.
Lan-LINK provides you with a Metabeacon, that gives you
the capability to transmit a long beacon message at
periodic intervals. The Metabeacon is loaded from the
contents of one of the LAN-LINK.00n files. These files
may be created by the LAN-LINK editor. When loading,
LAN-LINK will insert a pass character (^V) into the
text before a carriage return, so as not to end the
packet before at least 240 characters, and not more
than 255 characters have been output to the TNC. The
maximum number of characters that can be loaded into
the Metabeacon is 1776. The maximum number of packets
in a Metabeacon is 7. You can also end force a hard
carriage return or 'end of packet' in the Metabeacon by
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 106
inserting the '\' (backslash) character, which will not
be transmitted, into the text.
The frequency of Metabeacon transmissions is the same
as that of the automatic CQ timer.
The MetaBeacon is designed for special event stations.
PLEASE do not abuse it.
21.2 AMTOR Terminal Menu
In the AMTOR Communications Mode, you are presented with the
choices shown in Figure 21.2. Type in the single letter to
make your choice.
Figure 21.2 PK-232 AMTOR Menu
╔═══════════PK232 AMTOR MENU═══════════╗
║ C Force Break [ACHG] ║
║ F Start Mode B [FEC] ║
║ L Force LETTERS Case ║
║ M Read the Mail [ALISTEN] ║
║ S Standby Receive [ARQ] ║
║ R Set ROBOT/Mailbox ║
║ W CW Identification ║
║ Z Set ROBOT Infinite Delay ║
21.2.1 Force Break [ACHG]
This option forces a changeover or 'break in'. If for
any reason you want to interrupt the other station you
send a 'BREAK' signal in software this way.
21.2.2 Start Mode B [FEC]
This option places the terminal into the FEC Transmit
Mode. This puts you on the air, anything you type will
be transmitted. Function Key 10 (F10) does the same
21.2.3 Force LETTERS case
This option lets you force the PK-232 receiver to the
letters case if for some reason you appear to be in the
numbers case. It will return you to the Converse Mode.
If your TNC allows you to use a control character (^L)
to force the letters case, you don't need to go through
all these menu layers to do the job.
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Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 107
21.2.4 Read the Mail [ALISTEN/LAMTOR]
This option lets you read the Mail on a QSO.
Unfortunately, when you tune in a chirping AMTOR QSO in
the ARQ or Standby Mode you won't get any copy on the
QSO in progress. You can however read the mail on one
by entering this Mode.
21.2.5 Override ROBOT/Mailbox
This option lets you temporarily override the ROBOT
BEACON and chat to a station that has linked to the
ROBOT. Use it after the message in LAN-LINK.TXT has
been sent, namely when the other station is sending a
message to you.
21.2.6 Standby Receive [ARQ]
This option returns you to the ARQ Standby Mode. You
must be in this Mode to receive signals from another
station who is calling you. When you tune for CQ calls,
they sound somewhat like fast RTTY with a ringing sound
similar to the connect alarm used by LAN-LINK (but at a
faster ringing rate).
21.2.7 Set ROBOT/Mailbox
This option lets you turn on the Mailbox during a
regular AMTOR QSO so that the other station can leave a
message or download a file remotely. You must only use
it when the other station is sending text.
21.2.8 CW Identification
This option is used to send a CW identification. The
CWID is sent in the FEC Mode.
The identification consists of the sequence 'DE <your
callsign>' where your call sign is that entered into
the PK- 232 as 'MYCALL'.
You use this feature if your license requires you to
identify in Morse code as well as in the operating
21.2.9 Set ROBOT Infinite Delay
You use this option to prevent the Robot from ever
transmitting when not linked. In the normal manner, the
Robot counts down the CQ delay parameter, and, when it
gets to 0 puts a CQ call on the air. If the Infinite
Delay is set, the CQ call will be inhibited. This
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 108
option thus puts the Robot into an indefinite wait mode
where it thinks it has sent out a CQ call and is
waiting for a reply.
You would use this Mode if you want to set up a MailBox
on a known frequency for some group or organization.
21.3 Baudot Terminal Menu
In the Baudot Communications Mode, you are presented with
the choices shown in Figure 21.3. Type in the single letter
to make your choice.
Figure 21.3 PK-232 BAUDOT Menu
╔═══════════PK232 BAUDOT MENU════════════╗
║ B Set Baud Rate ║
║ F Select Shift ║
║ N Turn NAVY MARS Message Protocol ON ║
║ K Turn SELCAL ON ║
║ W CW Identification ║
21.3.1 Set Baud Rate
This feature allows you to set a desired communications
baud rate directly. You will be prompted to enter the
desired rate. Use this command to avoid having to shift
through too many intermediate states, if for example,
you want to make a direct change from 45 to 100 baud.
21.3.2 Select Shift
This feature lets you select Wide (850 Hz) or narrow
(170 Hz) shift directly. The PK-232 will copy 170 Hz
signals using its internal 200 Hz circuitry. If you
have a KAM, you may also select the Commercial Shift
(425 Hz).
The shift is displayed in the status window at the top
of the screen. It is shown as 'W', 'N' or 'C' for wide,
narrow or commercial respectively.
21.3.3 NAVY MARS Message Protocol
The Navy Mars option toggles the Navy MARS Mode on and
off. When active, the feature provides the following
protocol. Any Carriage Return or Enter (CR) from the
keyboard is sent as CR, CR. (two sequential CR
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 109
characters. In a file transmission lines are terminated by
a CR,CR,LF (Line Feed) sequence. In a file transmission, blank lines are sent
as a LF (without a CR). In a file transmission, a plus sign '+' in the
file is replaced by a sequence of 12 "letters"
characters. There can be more than one + sign
on a line. In a file transmission, the sequence 'NNNN' is
transmitted followed by a sequence of 12
"letters" characters. There can only be one
'NNNN' sequence on a line.
When the NAVY MARS feature is active a [N] will be
displayed in the status window.
21.3.4 USOS On/Off
This option toggles the Unshift on space (USOS) feature
on and off. When the USOS is on, the TNC reverts to the
letters shift each time a 'space' character is
received. It helps when displaying noisy copy.
If USOS is active, 'USOS' will be shown in the status
window at the top of the screen.
21.3.5 SELCAL On/Off
This command key toggles the SELCAL feature on and off.
When the SELCAL is activated, as shown in the status
window, the incoming text from the TNC is scanned. When
either the letters "ZCZC" or 'your callsign' (as
entered in line 1 of the LAN-LINK.SYS file) is received
the "capture-to-disk" is turned on. All subsequent text
will be stored in the LAN- LINK.RUN file until the
letters "NNNN" are received. At that time the "capture-
to-disk" is turned off.
You may use this feature when monitoring commercial
RTTY broadcasts to record news and other information,
or when calling CQ to start recording all incoming text
and keep the QSO on disk.
You may use Function Key 1 (F1) to turn the capture to
disk permanently on to override the automatic turnoff
if you wish.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 110
21.3.6 CW Identification
This option is used to send a CW identification. You
use this if your license requires you to identify in
Morse Code as well as in the operating mode.
The identification consists of the sequence 'DE <your
callsign>' where your call sign is that entered into
the PK- 232 as 'MYCALL'.
21.4 ASCII Terminal Menu
In the ASCII Communications Mode, you are presented with the
choices shown in Figure 21.4. Type in the single letter to
make your choice.
Figure 21.4 PK-232 ASCII Menu
╔════════════PK232 ASCII MENU════════════╗
║ B Set Baud Rate ║
║ F Select Shift ║
║ K Turn SELCAL ON ║
║ W CW Identification ║
21.4.1 Set Baud Rate
This feature allows you to set a desired communications
baud rate directly. You will be prompted to enter the
desired rate. Use this command to avoid having to shift
through too many intermediate states, if for example,
you want to make a direct change from 110 to 1200 baud.
21.4.2 Select Shift
This feature lets you select Wide (850 Hz) or narrow
(170 Hz) shift directly. The PK-232 will copy 170 Hz
signals using its internal 200 Hz circuitry. If you
have a KAM, you may also select the Commercial Shift
(425 Hz).
The shift is displayed in the status window at the top
of the screen. It is shown as 'W', 'N' or 'C' for wide,
narrow or commercial respectively.
21.4.3 SELCAL On/Off
This command key toggles the SELCAL feature on and off.
When the SELCAL is activated, as shown in the status
window, the incoming text from the TNC is scanned. When
either the letters "ZCZC" or 'your callsign' (as
entered in line 1 of the LAN-LINK.SYS file) is received
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 111
the capture-to-disk is turned on. All subsequent text
will be stored in the LAN- LINK.RUN disk file until the
letters "NNNN" are received. At that time the capture-
to-disk is turned off.
You may use Function Key 1 (F1) to turn the capture to
disk permanently on to override the automatic turnoff
if you wish.
21.4.4 CW Identification
This option is used to send a CW identification. You
use this if your license requires you to identify in
Morse code as well as in the operating mode.
The identification consists of the sequence 'DE <your
callsign>' where your call sign is that entered into
the PK- 232 as 'MYCALL'.
21.5 CW Menu
In the CW Communications Mode, you are presented with the
choices shown in Figure 21.5. Type in the single letter to
make your choice.
╔══════PK232 CW MENU═══════╗
║ L Lock to Receive Signal ║
║ S Set Morse Speed ║
║ U Unlock Morse Speed ║
║ X Turn XMIT Flag ON ║
21.5.1 Lock to Receive Signal
This option locks the PK-232 to the speed of the
incoming CW signal.
21.5.2 Set Morse Speed
This option lets you set the CW speed.
21.5.3 Unlock Morse Speed
This option unlocks the PK-232 from the incoming CW
signal. It performs the same task as the Alt-D option
keys. It is used to speed up capture of a new signal or
to break the lock when the PK-232 appears to have
locked up at the wrong speed.
22.0 eXit to DOS
When you exit the program and return to DOS, if the Shut down
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 112
(QRT) flag is set to 0, the TNC is put into the VHF default mode
in which it rejects calls from any other stations. (Read about
the 'CFROM' command in the TNC manual). You can thus, if you
wish, leave it powered, and if you also leave the VHF radio
powered up, you will be active as a digipeater, but at the same
time anyone trying to connect with you will receive a busy sig-
nal. The MBX command (Reading the Mail) is also cleared at this
If you want to leave the TNC set up to accept messages when LAN-
LINK is not active, customize the shut down state as described in
the Section 18.23.
23.0 The ELMER Menu
ELMER is a smart server or second operator feature described in
Appendix 7. The ELMER Menu presents you with the choices shown in
Figure 23. Type in the single letter to make your choice.
Figure 23 The ELMER Menu
╔═══════ELMER MENU═══════╗
║ C Change ELMER File ║
║ L Load ELMER.QSO ║
║ P Pick File to edit ║
║ S Edit ELMER.QSO ║
║ T show state Table ║
23.1 Change ELMER File
This option allows you to change the ELMER configuration
23.2 Turn ELMER Flag ON/OFF
This option allows you to turn ELMER on and off. If the
ELMER configuration file (ELMER.QSO) is not present, you
will not be able to turn ELMER on.
23.3 Load State Table (ELMER.QSO)
This option allows you to reload the state table
(ELMER.QSO). If a different state table is loaded, its name
will appear in the menu.
23.4 Pick File to edit
This option allows you to pick a file with the default
filetype of 'TXT', and edit it.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992
Appendix 1 LAN-LINK 2.00 Features, Menus and Commands, Page 113
23.5 Edit State Table (ELMER.QSO)
This option allows you to edit the configuration file.
23.6 Show State Table
This option allows you to see the contents of the state
machine. It is used in debugging the logic to ensure that
the contents of the table match what you thought you put in.
A typical set of contents appears as shown in Figure 23.1.
Figure 23.1 Typical ELMER State Table
║ 0║ 1║ 2║ 0 ║ 0║WHAT...........║ 0 ║* ║
║ 1║ 2║ 3║ 0 ║ 0║ENGLISHMAN.....║ 0 ║* ║
║ 2║ 2║100║ 0 ║ 0║SYSTEMS........║ 0 ║* ║
║ 3║ 3║ 4║ 0 ║ 0║DOING..........║ 0 ║* ║
║ 4║ 4║ 1║ 0 ║ 0║COUNTRY........║ 0 ║ME-USA.TXT ║
║ 5║ 1║ 1║ 0 ║ 0║EQUIPMENT......║ 0 ║PK232COM.TXT ║
║ 6║ 1║ 1║ 0 ║ 0║WX.............║ 0 ║LOCALWX.TXT ║
║ 7║ 1║ 5║ 0 ║ 0║KENWOOD........║ 0 ║* ║
║ 8║ 5║ 1║ 0 ║ 0║811............║ 0 ║811.TXT ║
║ 9║ 5║ 1║ 0 ║ 0║711............║ 0 ║711.TXT ║
║ 10║ 1║ 1║ 0 ║ 0║HELLO..........║ 0 ║HELLO.TXT ║
║ 11║ 0║ 1║ 0 ║ 0║NAME...........║ 0 ║JOE.TXT ║
║ 12║ 0║ 1║ 0 ║ 1║HAL............║ 0 ║HAL.BAT ║
Note the keyword has been capitalized and set to 15
characters wide. None existent characters have been
represented as periods.
LAN-LINK.DOC (c) G3ZCZ 1988 - 1992